  • 學位論文


Establishment and Application of an Expert System for Network and Communicatoin Production Test -A Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 黃雪玲


台灣網通產品在全世界佔有重要的地位,為了維持高度的競爭力,企業在技術的研發、專業人員的訓練與培養、成本控制、產品行銷等,都投入了很多的資源。 生產測試軟體是屬於專業且單一性的技術,不同性質的產品都有不同的測試程式與流程,其技術傳承都是以資深工程師對新進工程師做教育訓練,且少有書面資料可供参考,許多時候都是程式碼直接交付即算完成。新進工程師遇到問題,若有資深工程師可詢問是幸運。若無,要達到公司要求讓產品能快速上市,就會造成工作時間過長、工作壓力大而無法適應。進而造成人員流動率大,專業技術無法銜接的問題隨即產生。 本研究以新一代行動網路通訊產品Femtocell生產測試系統為例,來建構一專家系統,將知識累積並且經驗傳承。未來,新進人員或承接者不僅對此系統有資料可查詢,並且將知識增加累積於此系統裡。對於個人而言,承接此系統將大大降低壓力,並且能在最短的時間順利銜接,縮短交接工時。對於公司而言,可以降低人員流動率,專業技術的累積,節省專業人力培訓成本。如此,公司與員工雙方互蒙其利,創造雙贏。


Taiwan’s networking products have earned a significant position on the world stage. In order to maintain a high degree of competitiveness, corporations invest abundant resources in technological research and development, professional skills and training, cost control and marketing. Product testing Utility is a professional and exclusive art. Various products require specific testing programs and processes tailored to their individual features. The crucial know how comes from the hard-earned experience of senior engineers, which is passed down to junior engineers through one-on-one mentorship. For certain assignments, most source codes are handed over privately with very limited written documents available for reference, If a junior engineer encounters difficulties at work, he might have to seek the advice of a senior engineer. If a senior engineer is unavailable to help, he would have to work overtime to reach the company’s goal for new product release; otherwise he would be fired for failing the project or being unable to adapt in the office. The consequences of this problem include high staff turnover rate and loss of continuity in the task force. Our study focuses on the Femtocell production testing structure as a case example to build up an expert system for the next generation of telecommunication products. It is our hope that we can not only compile our knowledge but also pass on our experiences to trainees so that they are able to study what has been done and add to the system’s repository of information. From an individual perspective, use of this system will greatly decrease stress and increase efficiency and productivity by streamlining task transference. From the company’s perspective, use of this system will decrease staff turnover rate, augment the accumulation of technical skills and decrease resources needed to train employees. Thus, both the company and its personnel enjoy great mutual benefits from this win-win situation.


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