  • 學位論文


Preparation of low fouling self-assembly TiO2 coated PVDF membranes

指導教授 : 游勝傑




In recently, MBR are widely used and many researches are rise. However, the application of membrane generate the series fouling lead to low flux and increase transmembrane pressure. In this study PVDF membrane add two hydrophilic polymers to mix and modified. The coagulation bath add TiO2 during make process can attachment membrane surface. In addition to basic analysis, antibacterial and antifouling were teated using RB5 degradation. The results showed that PVDF/PVM-MA mix membrane coated TiO2 content higher than PVDF/PMMA mix membrane so the Photodegradation experiment better. In addition, the protein (BSA) fouling experiment showed that the total fouling resistance of PVDF/PVM-MA membrane was decreased due to reduction of cake layer and pore blocking resistance. And TMP as well as Flux all back to beginning of state. Last, PVDF/PVM-MA mix membrane better than PVDF/PMMA mix membrane.


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