  • 學位論文


Bio-inspired polyaniline with multi-structure for supercapacitor application

指導教授 : 李有璋


本論文是以人工方式製作出具有微米結構及微/奈米多層次結構矽基板,其製程手法由微影製程與乾式蝕刻製作。藉由光學微影快速定義圖案做為乾蝕刻擋層,再結構乾蝕刻製作微米圓柱結構,完成微米圓柱結構。然後定義奈米結構的擋層,再次以乾蝕刻於微米圓柱結構上,達到多層次結構的效果。接著透過模板轉印將所製做出的矽模具複製其結構得到相反結構的PDMS模具,最後將化學氧化聚合而成的聚苯胺溶液滴於PDMS模具上,烘烤後得到具有微米結構及微/奈米多層次結構的聚苯胺薄膜,將其應用在超級電容上。結構檢測方面,利用場放射電子顯微鏡(SEM)對薄膜鑑定,確認所做的微/奈米結構成功複製於聚苯胺薄膜上。電化學檢測則是將聚苯胺薄膜放置電極上,使用電化學檢測儀(Galvanostatic)進行檢測,最後結果證實了聚苯胺薄膜電極的表面積增加,明顯得提升了比電容值。在1 A/g的電流密度下,無結構的比電容值和具有微/奈米結構的比電容值分別是270 F/g與530 F/g,電容值上升幅度約為96%。


This paper proposes a method for the creation of molds with hierarchical micro/nano structures to enable the imprinting of conductive polymer polyaniline (PANI) for use as an electrode. The mold used for micro/nano structures was produced artificially. Photolithography was used to define an array of circular structures on a silicon substrate, followed by dry etching to create an array of cylinders with a diameter and height of 5 μm. Then nano pattern was produced and performed by dry etching to create a hierarchical structure. PDMS was used to form a soft mold to transfer this hierarchical structure to a PANI film, apply in the supercapacitor.   Using field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) confirmed that the surface structure of the film identification. On a three-electrode electrochemical cell, experiments were performed to characterize the electrochemical properties of plane PANI and PANI with microstructure and hierarchical microstructure, respectively. Cyclic voltammetric (CV), galvanostatic charge–discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were then conducted using 1M H2SO4 as an electrolytic solution.   Its specific capacity value was obtained by the electrochemical measurement. Experiment results demonstrate that its specific capacity was 530 F/g, which is higher approximately 96% compared with PANI plane film , . Our results show that increasing the surface area of PANI through the inclusion of hierarchical structures enhanced oxidation/reduction reactions, leading to a higher average specific capacitance.


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