  • 學位論文

影響員工安全管理因素之探討 —以國軍彈藥管理為例—

A Study on the Military Ammunition Safety Management.

指導教授 : 吳美連


論文摘要 國軍在遂行「彈藥管理」時安全是首要條件,由於多數彈藥(倉)庫多設置於山區地處高地溼氣較重,易造成彈藥受潮與變質;且彈藥推陳不易常造成久備未戰之老舊彈藥,其危害程度隨著時間、儲存環境及火藥特性等不確定因素而遽增。 有鑑於「安全管理」對於國軍彈藥管理影響深遠,誠如專家所言:「工廠的靈活性主要取決於人性的要素,而不全然在技術管理層面。」因此,本研究針對國軍在推展彈藥安全管理時之「影響安全管理之因素」進行分析。找出影響其之重要因素,期將「安全文化」建構於國軍組織或團隊中,而非流於形式或口號,進而消除危安於無形,防止意外事件再次發生。 本研究藉由文獻探討理論整理,及參考國軍相關彈藥管理手冊記載之要求規定,進行歸納分析作為研究層面之依據。並對(95年)現職從事軍事彈藥教學、督導、管理等專業人員,進行深入訪談。依其內容與建議,經由相關權重分析後,便能獲得符合現況之因素題項,作為『量』化問卷設計修訂題項之依據。最後再搭配問卷調查,由國軍各地區單位彈藥管理員填答後,提出建設性之『質』化建議。 研究結果顯示在人為、機具設施、及彈藥三大層面十二項衡量構面中,依受訪者指出的頻次排序之前五項為:設備老舊未更新、人員訓練不足、彈藥儲存使用壽期過久、彈藥安全性、及場地設施不完善。應用Spearman等級相關係數實施認同排序,發現皆無顯著差異,故在安全管理認知上具有一致性的排序。 因此,本研究針對人為、機具設施、及彈藥三大層面,對國軍相關業管單位提出政策面與制度面之策略建議,期能消弭三層面之缺點,進而落實「檢查一動,作一動」達成防範未然之效果;並對國軍基層單位建議,可藉由「選、考、訓、用」等方面的人力規劃,提出派選彈藥管理員之建議,達到「先查後用,為用而訓」之目的。 關鍵字:彈藥管理、安全管理、安全文化


Abstract When the Army executes“Ammunition Management”, safety is the top priority. Time, environment conditions and the characteristics of the fire powder are three main factors to influence the safety of ammunition. In Taiwan, the ammunition are usually stored in high huminity mountain area. Furthermore, the renewal of the old ammunition often takes a very long time. Combining the reasons above, there is still room for the ammunition management in Taiwan. It is with no doubt that safety is of great importantce. There are already some SOPs in the Army. However, accidents still happened. As a management expert says,“The flexibility of the factory depends on people, not on technique”. In order to build “Safety Culture”in the Army, this study focus on finding out all the factors that endanger the process of ammunition management. Hoping to implement the results of the study by actions, not by creating fancy slogans, therefore, prevent the auideuts to happen again. The study refers to previous references and related ammunition management rules in the Army. Also, the results of the interviewing of the professional ammunition teachers, supervisors, managers are included. Based on these, the survey can be designed in line with reality. By proper analysis, this study provides not only quantitative but also qualitative suggestions. The consequence of our study reveals a meaningful finding that in the twelve measuring dimensions of human, facility and ammunition. The first five factors ranked in frequency by interviewees are the old equipment, lack of training, expired ammunition, safety of ammunition, imperfect facility. Applying to Spearman correlation coefficient, we find no significant diverse. So, we have cognitive concurrence of safety management. The study includes three respects: human, facility and ammunition. We offer tactical suggestions to related departments in the Army. Furthermore, “Actions Following Testing” could be implemented in order to prevent accidents in advance. In summary, we suggest military units that the purpose of “Testing Before Assigning, Training In View Of Applying” could be realized by appointing appropriate ammunition managers based on human resource planning such as choosing, examination, training and appointment.


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