  • 學位論文


Test Case selection and distribution for multi tester to minimize makespan

指導教授 : 陳育欣


摘要 軟體開發週期中,軟體測試階段是個重要且無法省略的過程,但測試階段中所進行的回歸測試卻相當耗費時間與資源,因此在有限的資源和缺乏時間及人力的情形下,設計測試案例找到軟體的缺陷錯誤,並且更有效率的執行測試以縮短測試時間成為重要探討方向,因此有了測試案例縮小化與測試案例優先性議題等。 由於過去文獻主要都在單一測試者環境進下進行軟體測試工作,鮮少探討協同環境情況下的測試情形,因此在單一測試者情況下期望能增加效率的的議題也侷限在測試案例的優先順序上,而本研究不同以往的單一測試者方式,以需求因子為主要考量,配合測試案例縮小化方法並結合排程派工方法以模擬多人執行測試案例環境,在不違背軟體測試案例先後層級限制下的情況,探討協同環境下軟體測試的可行方法,以期望能多人協同軟體測試環境下縮短整體測試所需時間。 本研究探討產生測試案例後,將測試案例縮小化,再以先後限制層級分類篩選出的測試案例,並分配給測試者執行測試案例,在與其他方法比較後,實驗結果顯示可縮短整體測試完成所需時間,並且在觀察實驗結果下提出觀點,在少執行5%的需求測試下,可以達到顯著加快整體測試所需時間。


Software testing is an important stage in software development life cycle. Yet software testing is both time-consuming and resource-intensive. Additionally, software testing is usually resource and time limited. Designing Test Case to find software defects errors and shortening the software testing time have become important research directions. Currently, most literatures focus on the testing environment for a single software tester and rarely explore testing in a collaborative environment. This study focuses on requirements factor for test case reduction, combined with dispatching scheduling to simulate the multi-tester test environment. This study arranges test cases through the test case minimization and classification according their hierarchy of importance. Next, test cases are distributed to multi-testers. This study compares several heuristics. Experimental results indicate that the testing time is shortened for software testing. Furthermore, with 5% requirement reduction the testing time can be reduced significantly for software testing.


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