  • 學位論文


Applying Lean Six Sigma to Reduce the Metal Material Cost in TFT-LCD Industry

指導教授 : 黄惠民


摘要 自2008年金融危機以來,全球市場面臨經濟衰退。台灣TFT LCD是一個成熟的產業,目前LCD主要由彩色濾光片(Color filter, CF)、TFT陣列(TFT Array)基板和背光模組(Backlight)三大部分所組成。其中TFT陣列的金屬材料之供應商與生產機台皆設置在日本及美國,因而使得材料供應、運輸成本、材料交期會受其供應商所影響,進而導致總成本過高。 本研究強調運用精實六個標準差工具,探討應用DMAIC(界定(Define)、衡量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改善(Improve)、控制(Control))進行改善,以顧客需求驅動流程,探討降低材料成本、運輸成本,幫助企業提升國際競爭力使企業能持續獲利、永續經營。   在這項研究中,在TFT基板的金屬材料影響、材料用量的影響、材料的成本、運輸成本和庫存成本進行調查,並影響價格和風險。 本研究運用精實六個標準差,透過精實六標準差的DMAIC手法可以幫助企業在最短的時間內找到影響金屬材料的因子,再利用樹狀圖、魚骨圖、因果矩陣圖,並針對這些關鍵因子進行分析改善,進而降低TFT-LCD產業的金屬材料成本。亦可運用到所有相關產業。


The global market has faced economic recession since 2008. The LCD consists of three parts, i.e., color filter, TFT array substrate, and backlight module. The total cost of LCD has increased including material supply, delivery, and transportation costs because of economic recession since the metal materials of TFT array are produced by several suppliers in Japan and the United States. This study implements DMAIC strategy of Lean Six Sigma tools. The customer demand-driven process is applied to reduce the material and the transportation costs to TFT LCD industry. It is projected that these strategies would help the enterprises to enhance their global competitive advantage and their sustainability. Furthermore, we explore the effects of material usage, material cost, transportation cost, and inventory cost to the pricing and the risk management. The result shows that the tree diagram, the fishbone diagram, and the cause-effect matrix could be used for determining the important factors affected by the metal materials. This study also gives some insights to reduce the metal material costs in the TFT-LCD industry and other related industries.


Inventory Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma


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