  • 學位論文


Optimal Inspection Allocation with Consideration of Dependent Multi-characteristics and Performance of Workers in Production Systems

指導教授 : 饒 忻


近年來產業的蓬勃發展,企業對產品的品質要求日益提升,製程進行檢驗已為提升企業品質的必備程序。在龐大的生產系統之中,如何有效地利用人力與檢驗站設置的資源,將適當的績效人員指派至工作站及檢驗站進行工作,降低生產線之不良率,提升產品品質,並為企業帶來最大效益,為一值得深入研究之課題。 本研究針對序列式生產系統,探討多品質特性檢驗及多品質特性的相依性及獨立性,並討論不同績效等級人員配置於工作站與檢驗站之策略,建立一利潤為績效指標之數學模式。模式中考量全檢或不檢,型I及型II檢驗誤差,不良品處理方式有重工、修理、報廢等方式,期望於利潤最大與品質特性是否相依下,尋求工作站與檢驗站不同績效等級人員配置與檢驗站設置之最佳策略。同時,本研究亦分析品質特性相依個數以及其相依遠近對於不同績效等級人員與檢驗站設置之影響。我們相信本研究之結果可以提供企業界解決不同等級績效人員配置於工作站及檢驗站問題的參考。


In recent years, the development of industries is very booming and product quality requirements are becoming higher and higher. Process inspection is a necessary step to enhance the quality requirements. Therefore, in a large production system, how to effectively utilize the resources of human and inspection for allocating different skilled workers at workstation and inspection in order to reduce production line defect rate and increase product quality, and bring maximum benefit to the enterprise is an essential issue to study. This study explores the dependency and independence of multi-characteristics and the placement of workers with different skill levels at the workstations and inspection stations for the multi-characteristic inspection problem in serial production systems. We develop a profit based mathematical model, in which we consider either full or no inspection, type I and II inspection errors, rework, repair, and scrap non-conforming treatments in order to find the best inspection allocation of stations and characteristics and the best skilled worker allocation at the workstations and inspection stations under maximal profit and different characteristic dependencies. In addition, this study analyzes the effects of number of dependent characteristics and their distance on skilled worker placements and inspection allocations. We believe that the results of this study can provide a reference for industrial people who are planning for worker placement at workstations and inspection stations for inspection allocation problems.


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