  • 學位論文


Evacuation Simulation Models for Large Public Venues-A Case Study of Taipei Arena

指導教授 : 張美香


隨著經濟活動的發展,大型場館舉辦多元文化活動的頻率日益增加,提供民眾不同性質的活動的參與,如:演唱會、歌舞劇、體育賽事、集會活動……等,且大型場館一年內舉辦活動的頻率高達83%。舉辦一場大型活動所容納的人數,也將近是場館建築物可容納的最大人數量,人數眾多的建築物也必須要有良好的人員疏散計畫,以避免突發事件的發生,讓場內人員造成不必要的傷亡。 本研究針對大型場館人員疏散模擬研究,以人員疏散模擬軟體Pathfinder,分別進行模擬模式的穩定性評估、模式的驗證、模式的應用與策略性評估。驗證模擬模式與真人散場時的情況做比較。在模式的應用與策略性評估上,模擬情境策略包括:逃生門/梯的使用與否、(分區)分時疏散、新增逃生梯、導引人員等,不同情境的組合來進行模擬研究。 本研究模擬結果顯示逃生門/梯開啟時,必須搭配場館內引導疏散的工作人員,避免場內人員不熟悉環境或是疏散人員移動方向有衝突,造成場內人員疏散不順暢,延長疏散時間。另建議場館內可考量新增一座逃生梯,可使總疏散時間縮短至18分鐘以內。


Pathfinder 模擬 大型場館 人員疏散


As the economy blooms, more and more various cultural activities, like concerts, dramas, sports events, and assemblies are held in large public venues for people to participate. A great amount of people gather at large public venue. To avoid any incident which will cause heavy losses in human lives, it’s essential to have proper evacuation plan for a large public venue. This research focuses on the crowd evacuation simulation. Pathfinder, a simulation software, is used to evaluate the stability of simulation, simulation verification, simulation application and strategic evaluation. The real evacuation situation was compared with the simulation results for verification. Different evacuation plans are combined, such as emergency exits/stairs, staged evacuation, adding a stair, on-scene conductors’ guides. The simulation results showed that when the emergency exits/stairs are opened, the on-scene guides can direct the audience to avoid the block of evacuation flow and the prolongation of evacuation time. Moreover, adding a stair can shorten the evacuation time, less than 18 minutes.


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