  • 學位論文


Development of Assessment Model of Enterprise Sustainability

指導教授 : 郭財吉


近年隨著環境過度開發、溫室效應及全球暖化的影響,氣候變遷及自然環境異常的問題日益嚴重,而全球天然災害發生頻度及規模也愈發增強。自1972年聯合國於瑞典斯德哥爾摩,針對環境議題召開「人類環境會議」,呼籲世界各國重視環境保護的議題,倡導各國推動「綠色新政」之理念,以邁向「綠色經濟,通往永續發展」,以解決因環境與發展失衡所造成的全球性環境問題。 本研究目的希望世界各國在落實資本主義的同時,也可減低地球暖化及環境氣候異常變遷速度,而讓普羅大眾享有「寧適多樣的環境生態」、「活力開放的繁榮經濟」及「安全和諧的福祉社會」。 本研究透過國內外文獻蒐集及深度訪談法,繪製出企業永續發展的心智模型,探討企業面對環境保護議題之解決方案,以達到產業永續、能源永續、環境永續的三贏目標,使得與人類生活息息相關的環境、社會及經濟等三大構面能永續發展。重要結論歸納有以下幾項: 1. 從企業永續發展評估心智模型之構成要素對永續發展之影響來看,經濟成長、環境保護、社會公平正義、綠色經濟、共融性成長、環保與社會對企業永續發展是相輔相成。 2. 從個案公司綠色永續發展管理的績效來看,綠色經營可以增加企業與大眾之接受度。 3. 從個案公司資料分析可以發現,透過利人利己更利生態的商業活動,把企業當成社會的公民,為環保盡一份心力,推廣到世界每一個角落。 4. 從個案公司確認綠色倡議行動之成果,可視為成功複製並可運用至其他事業領域之標竿企業,以即可觸發更多企業創新的思維與作法。


In recent years, with the over-exploitation of the environment, the impact of the greenhouse effect and global warming, climate change and the natural environment is becoming increasingly serious anomalies, while the global frequency of natural disasters and the scale is increasingly enhanced. The purpose of this study hope when global implementing the capitalism, also reduces global warming and the speed of environmental climate changes at the same time. This research is through collect abroad literatures and in-depth interviews to draw the mental model for enterprise sustainable development. Exploring solutions for enterprise when face the environmental issues to make sure that environment, social and economic dimensions of energy which related with human could continue development. Several important conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. From corporate sustainability assessment components affecting the mental model of sustainable development point of view, are complementary. 2. The green sustainable development company from case management performance point of view, green business can increase business with the public's acceptance. 3. From the data analysis can be found in the case company, interest income has more eco-business activities through income people, for recycling. 4. The green initiatives from the results of the case study company can be regarded as successful replication of other business areas, triggering more innovative thinking and business practices.


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