  • 學位論文


A newsboy inventory model with imperfect items considering two warehouse and quantity discount

指導教授 : 黃惠民


隨著產品市場日益競爭激烈的情況下,現今商品日益走向產品多樣化,而提高需求不確定性。使得製造商難以預估供應量,而零售商卻是常常面臨存貨太多或存貨不足的問題,所以存貨的管理是一個很重要的課題。而若能建構有效的訂購政策,可以使得製造商與零售商雙方獲利,以求達到雙贏的局面。    本研究將擴充傳統的報童問題,在商品含不良品之特性再加入倉儲空間限制與數量折扣的情況,並透過數學軟體Maple 13及Excel 2007進行求解運算,以求得其最佳訂購量之最大期望利潤為目標,並探討整體系統總利潤,後續並透過數值範例及敏感度分析來證明本研究所提出模型之可行性及合理性,並說明各項參數對於模型之影響程度。


Due to products diversification and demand uncertainty, it is difficult for the manufacturers to predict supply; retailers may suffer from excess inventory or insufficient inventory as well. Therefore inventory management is a very important to ensure a win-win solution. In this study, we have extended the classical newsboy problem with imperfect items, quantity discount and two warehouses. The objective of this study is to find the optimal order quantity in order to obtain optimize the total profit. The inventory model is solved using Maple 13 and Excel 2007. Numerical example and sensitivity analysis are given to validate the model and to illustrate the effect of parameters value on the inventory cost. Managerial insights are provided based on the numerical example and can be adopted by enterprises in the supply chain.


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