  • 學位論文


Return to Symbiosis—The Community Empowerment to Regenerate A Traditional Village in Huazhai, Wang-an, Penghu

指導教授 : 喻肇青


論文摘要 本論文為一個離鄉在外的孩子「回家」進行家鄉社區營造的經驗研究。 花宅,這個因為曾被列為世界百大瀕危紀念物而備受關注的聚落,受關注的焦點總是落在一座座瀕臨坍塌危機的古厝,至於生活的現實層面,總被輕描淡寫地帶過。對一個長期在外的望安孩子而言,生活的記憶連結著自己與家鄉之間。因此「回家」是為了「填補」自己過去曾經中斷的生活經驗,並且透過實際的行動實踐「修補」自身與家鄉的連結,找出花宅未來可以永續經營的方向以及可行的操作方式。本文主要以描述的方式來呈現研究者在家鄉行動的歷程,希望以在地的角度來描述花宅人的改變並針對整個行動經驗地過程加以檢視。 對於像花宅這類型的傳統聚落,社區營造的焦點應擺在「生活」之上,生活的可持續性,關係著聚落的未來,因此當我們談著花宅古厝保存的同時,其實更應該關注的是聚落中最貼近人的部份,亦即存在於生活中的社群互動關係。全文各章節內容安排如下: 一、 第一章針對研究動機與內容作一概要說明,並且在回顧相關文獻之後提出了幾項問題意識,包括「聚落保存」、「家」以及「共生」的概念。 二、 第二章主要將研究背景,包括花宅的共生環境、人口外流以及觀光現象等分項進行描述,同時也對自己研究者與在地人的雙重身份進行分析與定位。 三、 第三章主要說明花宅家園的結構組成,包括與海、與土地以及與人之間的關係,並探討時代變遷下所造成的影響。 四、 第四章說明目前花宅聚落保存所遭遇的問題與現實,並試著重新詮釋花宅聚落保存的意義。 五、 第五章的內容主要先由現實情境中所存在的問題提出假設,之後提出行動設計方案,第六章則針對操作歷程進行描述,此外還包括行動延伸的部份。 六、 第七章檢視行動前所作的研究假設,並進行操作分析,最後提出可繼續發展的行動策略。 對一個回到家的花宅人而言,花宅的真實「存在」與自身的「存在」是讓一切行動「發展」的基礎,也就是說在花宅「已經發生」、「正在發生」和「將要發生」的一切將是本論文要說的故事,是一個未完待續的故事。


望安 花宅 傳統聚落 在地 社區營造 共生


Abstract This is a research conducted by a child who left far away from home and now comes back to hometown for community empowerment. HuaZhai, as a well-attentive village which was ever listed as one of the 100 most endangered memorial sites in the world, is always focused on those ancient houses on the verge of collapse. Regarding the practical issues in the daily life, they are always understated. For a Wang-an child residing away from home for a long time, the memories of life closely connect the person and hometown. Therefore, “coming home” is to make up for the life experiences ever broken off, and to repair the linkage to hometown through practical actions, in order to figure out possible ways and directions for the sustainability of HuaZhai in the future. This article tries to represent action processes of the researcher in her hometown, hopefully to describe alterations of HuaZhai people from the local angle, and to aim at the whole action processes for examination. In respect of such type of traditional village as HuaZhai, the focus of community empowerment should be put on “Life”. The future of village depends on sustainability of life. As a result, while talking about the conservation of HuaZhai ancient houses, we should pay more attention to the portion in the village closest to “human beings”, namely the community interactions existing in life. Contents of each chapter are arranged as follows: Chapter One is to briefly explain the research motive and contents, as well as to propose several research thoughts including concepts of “Residing”, “Home” and “Small Symbiosis”, and experience review of community conservation. Chapter Two is mainly to describe the research backgrounds including symbiosis environment, population outflow and tourism phenomenon of HuaZhai, as well as to analyze and orientate the author’s dual role of researcher and local. Chapter Three is mainly to explain the structural composition of HuaZhai Homeland, including relationships among the ocean, the land and people, as well as to probe into influences resulting from the change of time. Chapter Four is to describe those problems and reality that HuaZhai Village is currently facing, and to reiterate the meaning of conservation for HuaZhai Village. Chapter Five is firstly to propose hypotheses in respect of those existing problems in the real situation, and further to advance the action plan. Chapter Six then focuses on descriptions of manipulation processes including the extension of action. Chapter Seven is to examine research hypotheses made before the action, to proceed with manipulation analysis, and finally to propose the action strategy for further development. As far as a HuaZhai person who comes back home is concerned, the real existence of HuaZhai and individual self is the very foundation for the bourgeoning of all actions. Everything, “already happened”, “on happening” and “will happen”, is such story the research will tell, which is to be continued.


Wan-an HuaZhai Traditional Village Home Community Empowerment Local Symbosis


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