  • 學位論文


The Investment Performance of Momentum Strategies in 48 Global Indices

指導教授 : 胡為善


摘要 在金融國際化與經濟全球化的趨勢下,金融投資工具亦隨之多元化,近年來以指數為標的之投資商品發展(如:ETFs-指數型股票基金),儼然已成一股國際投資潮流,提供了全球投資人在資產配置有更多的選擇。多年來在國際財務領域裡動能與反向投資策略已是研究焦點之一,因而,在此投資全球化與以指數為標的之投資商品快速發展下,本文主要探討投資於全球指數,採取動能投資策略是否能獲得顯著之利潤及獲利因素來源。本研究以MSCI所編制之已開發國家與新興國家共48個指數為研究標的,並分別探討在已開發國家、新興國家與全球指數投資之獲利性比較及單一投資於歐洲、亞太、美洲等區域之獲利情況比較,以作為投資人參考之依據,研究歸納如下: 1. 投資於國際指數,無論持有期的長短,採取動能策略顯然優於反向投資策略。 2. 國際指數在中期時,存在「強者恆強,弱者恆弱」現象,而隨著持有期時間的增加動能逐漸遞減,然而在持有二年後,平均月報酬率皆出現反轉現象。 3. 在獲利因素部份,風險因素與市場狀態因素並無法完全解釋存在於國際指數投資的動能現象,本研究之動能現象較符合隨機漫步之因素。 4. 動能投資策略於已開發國家、新興國家與全球指數投資績效比較中,新興國家報酬之表現與全球投資報酬趨勢大致一樣,但整體而言,利用動能投資策略於全球指數仍優於單一投資於已開發國家或新興國家。 5. 動能投資策略於歐洲、亞太及美洲地區之投資績效比較中,整體而言,無論持有期長短投資績效以美洲地區表現較佳,歐洲地區為其次,最差為亞洲地區。


Abstract The internationalization of financial markets resulted in diversification of financial instruments. For the past decade, the development of investment products which linked with indices, such as the Exchange Traded-Funds (ETF), has become a popular investment trend. Additionally, numerous researches concentrated on momentum and/or contrarian investment strategies. This study attempts to combine these two strategies together. Consequently, this work adopts the momentum and contrarian strategies in 48 national indices to examine the performance of these two strategies. This investigation also analyzes the investment performance between developed and developing countries and compare the investment performance among European area, Asia Pacific Zone and American area. The empirical results are summarized as below: 1. The performance of momentum strategies is better than that of contrarian strategies. 2. The average monthly return increases first and reaches the maximum level at the ninth month of holding period, suggesting that the most significant momentum phenomenon appears at the ninth month of holding period. However, it decreases gradually thereafter and moves upward again after two-year holding period. 3. The risk factor and the market condition can not fully illustrate the momentum phenomenon, while the random walk is a crucial factor in explaining the momentum phenomenon. 4. The performance of momentum strategies in developed countries is better than that in developing countries. 5. The momentum strategy in American area has the best performance among various areas, while that in European area is second and that in Asia Pacific Zone ranks third.


