  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among Junior High School tudent’s Reading Strategy Using, Positive Classroom limate and Learning Motivation : Take Taoyuan City as an Example

指導教授 : 楊慶麟


本研究旨在探討桃園市國中生閱讀策略使用、正向班級氣氛與學習動機之現況,分析不同背景變項之差異以及相關情形,並探究三者之間的因果關係。本研究所採用之調查方法為問卷調查法,以105學年度就讀桃園市60所公立國中之七、八、九年級學生作為研究母群體,採用「分層比例便利抽樣」與「隨機叢集抽樣」方式,共抽取908位國中生為研究樣本,以「國中生閱讀測略使用、正向班級氣氛與學習動機量表」為研究工具進行調查。在資料處理部分,本研究使用描述性統計、平均數考驗、變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及結構方程式等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、桃園市國中生正向班級氣氛與學習動機之現況達到「高」的程度,而在閱讀策略使用之現況均達到「中高」的程度 二、不同背景變項之閱讀策略使用、正向班級氣氛與學習動機有所差異。 三、「閱讀策略使用」與「正向班級氣氛」彼此呈中度正相關;「正向班級氣氛」與「學習動機」彼此呈高度正相關;「閱讀策略使用」與「學習動機」彼此呈中度正相關。 四、「閱讀策略使用」、「正向班級氣氛」與「學習動機」三者間具有因果關係,而「正向班級氣氛」對「閱讀策略使用」與「學習動機」具有中介效果。


The purpose of this study is to explore the use of reading strategies in Taoyuan City, the current situation of positive classroom climate and learning motivation, analyze the differences of different background variables and the related situation, and explore the causal relationship between the three. In this study, the survey method was used as the questionnaire group. In the 105th school year, 60 students in 60 public schools in Taoyuan City were selected as the study group, and the "stratified proportion of convenience sampling" and "random cluster sampling" , 908 national students were selected as research samples, and the survey was conducted on the use of Chinese students' reading strategies using, positive classroom climate and learning motivation scale. In the data processing section, this study uses descriptive statistics, mean test, variance analysis, Pearson product correlation and structural equation and other statistical methods for data analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. In Taoyuan City, the state of the positive classroom climate and learning motivation reaches the status of the "high" level, and the reading strategies using achieve the status of "high" level. 2. The Different among different background variables of the reading strategy using, positive classroom climate and learning motivation is existed. 3. "Reading strategy using" and "Positive classroom climate" are positively correlated with each other; "Positive classroom climate" and "Learning motivation" are highly correlated with each other; "Reading strategy using" and "Learning motivation" Moderate positive correlation. 4. "Rreading strategy using", "Positive classroom climate" and "Learning motivation" among the three have causal relationship, and "Positive classroom climate" on the "Reading strategy using" and "Learning motivation" with mediating effect.


