  • 學位論文


The Action Research on the Cultural Heritage Picture Books Teaching for Preschool Children -A Case of Water Area in Liou Jia

指導教授 : 林曉薇


本研究主題「幼兒文化資產繪本教學之行動研究-以六家水圳地區為例」,研究者運用水圳渠道串聯文化資源,自編六家水圳文資繪本《貓咪不見了》,本諸「文化資產價值的傳遞或引導,是可以透過教育的方法有所轉變」前提,進行幼兒文化資產教學活動,藉以啟發其對六家文化資產的認知,並增進對所處文化環境的在地認同;研究者經由教學與省思過程,達成提升專業成長的目的。 本研究對象為竹北童語幼兒園八名中、大班混齡幼兒,研究者以繪本文獻分析,梳理繪本設計方法與架構,故事以東興圳為軸線,文本設計主角「小男孩」尋找叼走奶奶魚造型錢包的野貓,經由一張四周環繞農田新瓦屋老照片牽引,展開一場遇見六家古蹟建築的冒險故事。研究者以簽字筆勾勒故事輪廓與脈絡,輔以壓克力顏料、融合水彩畫技法呈現童趣表現風格,應用立體書概念,創作符應幼兒認知發展階段的繪本,參照《幼兒園教保活動課程大綱》重視幼兒對所處文化環境,陶養幼兒以創新與多元方式表達對生活環境中人事物感受的核心素養。 本研究係以東興圳串連「六家水圳地區」文化資源為繪本場域,主角沿圳尋貓歷程中,繪本圖像依序出現六家水圳、水汴頭與土牛溝、伯公廟、莿桐樹、六張犁民俗公園、東平里問禮堂、汾陽堂及新瓦屋客家文化保存區等;其間穿插常民生活表徵如巡水圳、守水等水景文化、聚落宗族儀式文化、新瓦屋花鼓隊等無形文化資產。繼之以行動研究進行繪本教學及成果回饋,後續文件分析包括研究者與協同研究者之觀察記錄、教學省思、學習單、回饋單、評量表等,研究成果如下: 一、經由教學理論研究與繪本設計分析,完成繪本設計並實踐教學成果。 二、透過繪本教學,啟迪幼兒對六家水圳地區文化資產的認知。 三、透過繪本教學,提升研究者文化資產教學的省思及專業成長。 根據研究結論,對未來以文化資產為教育場域之研究提出建議;期盼分享透過推廣幼兒文資教學的教育方法,傳遞或引導文化資產價值的可能與成果。


The topic of this study is about "The Action Research on the Cultural Heritage Picture Books Teaching for Preschool Children - A Case of Water Area in Liou Jia" based on the transmission or guidance of the value of cultural heritage that can be changed through educational teaching. The purpose of this study is to explore how to use the cultural heritage picture books "The Cat Is Gone" by the researcher to carry out cultural heritage teaching activities in kindergartens. The researcher uses the water channel to connect cultural resources to enhance children's understanding of cultural heritage in Liou Jia, and to enhance local identification with the cultural environment. The researcher achieves professional growth through teaching and reflection. The subjects of this research are eight mixed-age children in the kindergarten of Babyhome in Chu-Pei city. The researcher analyzes the picture books literature and sorts out the design and structure of the picture books. The researcher takes the water channel of Dongxin as the axis, and takes the boy as the protagonist looking for the wild cat that grabs the grandma fish-shaped wallet. This starts an adventure story about meeting historic building in Liou Jia guided by an old photo of Xinwawu surrounded by a lot of farmland. The researcher used a signature pen to sketch the outline and context of the story, supplemented by acrylic paint, and combined with watercolor painting techniques to present a childlike expression style, and then applied the pop-up book concept to create a picture book that corresponded to the stage of children’s cognitive development. The researcher referred to "Curriculum Outlines for Preschool Care-taking Activities" to pay attention to children's cultural environment, and to nurture children to express the core literacy of people and things in the living environment with an innovative and diverse way. The painting field is located in the cultural resources of the water channel of Dongxing linking " Water Area in Liou Jia ". When the boy hunts cats along the water channel, will find many picture images including the water channel in Liou Jia, Waterway Division Area, Native Cattle Trench, Bogong Temple, Citong Tree, Folk Park of Liuzhangli, Greeting Hall of Dongping, Hall of Fenyang and Culture Preservation Area in Xinwawu, etc. In the meantime, there are intangible cultural heritage such as waterscape culture of patrolling and guarding the water channel in Liou Jia, the ritual culture of the clan in the settlement, and the team of flower drums in Xinwawu. Then applied the action research method to teach picture books and got the result feedback. In the process of implementing teaching, various materials were collected, including observation records of researcher and collaborative researcher, teaching reflections, learning lists, feedback lists, and evaluation forms to record the teaching process. Using the above materials as the basis of analysis, the following research conclusions are summarized : 1) Through the research of teaching theory and the analysis of picture books design, the researcher completes the design of picture books and the results of practice teaching. 2) Through the teaching of cultural heritage picture books, the researcher enhances children's understanding of cultural heritage in Liou Jia. 3) Through the teaching of cultural heritage picture books, the researcher achieves professional growth through teaching and reflection. Some suggestions are put forward according to the conclusions of this study for teaching of cultural heritage picture books in the future. I look forward to sharing the possibility and results about the transmission or guidance of the value through the promotion of educational methods on the cultural heritage picture books teaching for preschool children.


文化部(2012)。文化部文化資產局計畫目標。2020 年3 月 12 日,取自
