  • 學位論文

投資環境力與投資風險度對台商推薦度影響之研究 -- 以台商布局中國大陸一帶一路城市為實證

Relationships among Investment Environment, Investment Risk and Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessmen -- Empirical Study on Cities of The Belt and Road in Mainland China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


自2013年中國大陸國家主席習近平首次提出「一帶一路」戰略思維,於「一帶一路」路徑上之城市開始新的政策推動,隨著中國大陸整體走出去的戰略發展,其經濟結構調整亦帶來相對的效應。過去,過於仰賴中國大陸人口及政策紅利的台商,面臨前所未有挑戰,未來是去是留,亦或換軌投資,如今已成兩岸熱門話題。因此,本研究希望探討在中國大陸「一帶一路」戰略的推動後,投資環境力與投資風險度對台商推薦度的影響是否具有差異。 有鑑於此,本研究進一步將「一帶一路」路徑所沿經城市,劃分為一帶路徑上布局五城市以及一路路徑上布局三城市,再依據相關研究與文獻參考,將投資環境力分為「基建環境力」、「經營環境力」、「網通環境力」及「內需環境力」等四構面;將投資風險度分為「社會風險度」、「法治風險度」、「經濟風險度」及「轉型風險度」等四構面,並以布局中國大陸城市的台商作為研究對象,透過問卷調查方式,分別檢視「一帶一路」路徑上之布局城市在投資環境力、投資風險度、台商推薦度與產業特性中的差異與關聯。本研究回收有效問卷282份進行相關統計分析,經過整理歸納後得出以下小結論。 1.投資環境力與投資風險度具有相關性。 2.投資環境力與投資風險度對台商推薦度皆具顯著影響。 3.不同的產業特性對於投資環境力或投資風險度對台商推薦度具有顯著影響。 4.「一帶一路」不同布局路徑上的布局城市在投資環境力、投資風險度與台商推薦度部分具有顯著差異。 就台商於路徑選擇,一帶布局城市整體優於一路布局城市;就台商於城市選擇,一帶布局五城市中最為推薦成都市,一路布局三城市中最為推薦廣州市;就台商於產業選擇,風險趨避者推薦科技服務業,風險接受者推薦傳統製造業。


A strategic thinking, The Belt and Road, was first proposed by Jinping Xi who are the President of People's Republic of China now since 2013. The main point is to promote a new policy to the city along with The Belt and Road. With the strategic development of Mainland China, the economic restructuring has brought opposite effect. In the past, Taiwanese businessmen over relied on the popularity and preferntial policy of Mainland China. Now, they face a challenge to decide stay or leave, even to change the road to shift in investment. Therefore, the research goal is to investigate the Relationships among Investment Environment, Investment Risk and Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessmen. In view of this, the research divided the city along with The Belt and Road in to five cities in The Belt and three cities in The Road. Moreover, according to the relative researches and literature review, dividing Investment Environment into four segments which are Foundation Environment, Administration Environment, Internet Environment, and Domestic Demand Environment. Besides, dividing the Investment Risk into four segments which are Social Risk, Legal Risk, Economic Risk, and Transition Risk. The research objects are the Taiwanese businessmen who have a business in Mainland China. Adopts a questionnaire survey which obtains 282 effective responses and find that: (1)There is a close relationships between Investment Environment and Investment Risk, (2)Investment Environment and Investment Risk have significant impact on the Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessmen, (3)Industry Characteristic really cause influence to the relationships between Investment Environment and Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessmen, or the relationships between Investment Risk and Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessmen, (4)There are notable differences among Investment Environment, Investment Risk, and Recommendation of Taiwanese Businessmen of cities in The Belt and Road. The results of the study were that the path for Taiwanese businessmen to choose is that The Belt are better than The Road. For city, Chengdu is the best in The Belt and Canton is the best in The Road. For industry, risk averter suggest invest technological and service industry, risk taker suggest invest traditional industry.


2.Coface(2011), Coface Country Risk Conference.
8.World Bank(2015), Doing Business 2016.
