  • 學位論文

民宿經營之關鍵因素 以鹿谷鄉小半天民宿村為例

Key Factors for Homestay Management - A Case Study of Lugu Country Xiao Ban Tain Homestay Village

指導教授 : 胡宜中


根據交通部觀光局統計,近十一年來台旅客人次成長256.6%,其中以觀光為目的者佔68.35%。行政院多年來的觀光施政重點於「觀光拔尖領航方案」,其中為吸引各國觀光客來台體驗在地文化特色,更協助地方農村產業轉型發展;以區域的資源及發展定位為主軸,融入在地特色,帶動地方經濟發展,進而提升臺灣的觀光品質形象。而台灣的特色民宿具備的草根性與文化性,以農業與鄉村為發展根源,成為與在地資源具有高度文化及產業具有高度聯結之接待服務業,恰能作為推展臺灣觀光之重要觸媒角色。 隨著政府週休二日及消費者意識的抬頭,人們對於旅遊品質及休閒體驗有了改變,而旅遊型態多樣化、個性化的要求中,住宿體驗成為旅遊體驗中的一部份,以往以飯店旅館為主要住宿的模式也走向溫馨、具特色的民宿住宿模式,進而帶動了民宿產業之發展與日俱增,競爭也日趨激烈。所以民宿經營者若能在規劃、制定策略時,掌握經營的關鍵因素,方能取得持久之競爭優勢,因此如何透過評估架構的建立以探討民宿經營的關鍵因素,給予民宿業者在經營上的參考引發本研究之動機。本研究選定曾榮獲台灣最具觀光潛力社區「美麗台灣社區第一名」的小半天社區為研究範圍,由其中三家「綠晶鈴」、「野菜園」、「遠路山村」頗具特色之民宿發展出適合評估小半天民宿的經營關鍵因素,以期做為民宿業者之經營重點,提高經營績效,進而帶動地區觀光的整體品質。 本研究透過文獻蒐集與探討,建構學理根據的雛型架構;再透過專家訪談以建立正式架構;再依正式架構設計問卷並對民宿業主人及住宿的旅客施測,運用以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路分析程序法來分析問卷資料,找出小半天民宿經營的關鍵因素及其之間的因果關係圖;最後根據分析結果提出研究結論及建議。以下就遠路山村為例,就其消費者簡述研究結果如下: 一、經營關鍵準則為「戶外景觀設計的美化與獨特性」、「環境清潔與維護」、「行銷推廣」、「經營特色性」、「對環境、生態保持尊重,以有機樂活態度經營民宿」與「服務效率及態度」。 二、「行銷推廣」是表現相對較差的因素,從因果圖顯示會影響其他關鍵因素,是民宿業者可以考慮的首要改善對象。透過行銷推廣的改善,一方面在民宿的外觀上可以建置符合其特色的相關設施,以提昇及吸引相關客群的強度,進而達到行銷推廣的效益。另一方面,室內的軟硬體設施上可張貼相關的海報,或相關經典人物相片及圖案,以增加特色的深度來加強顧客的印象,進而帶出口碑,達到行銷推廣的效果,同時也可以吸引符合民宿主人希望的客群入住,進而提昇整體的服務品質。


According to the statistic data from Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the number of world travelers visited Taiwan had increased to 256.6% in the last decade. There are 68.35% of the visitors which were for the purpose of tourism. Especially the Project “Vanguard for Excellence in Tourism” which was the main concern of the Executive Yuan would attract tourists to experience the local culture. It is not only helpful for transforming the industry of rural area, but also enhances the quality and image of tourism in Taiwan. The main development was based on the local resources with the feature of local practice in order to prompt the local economic development. The homestay in Taiwan providing with grassroots and cultural feature where are developed at rural area which is the typical industry of reception service is one of the important catalysts to promote Taiwan tourism. Since the implementation of one week two days off, people can have more leisure time to pay more attention various types of tourism. As well as the homestay providing the distinguishing feature which can compete with others. This research is aimed to the key factor of homestay management through the evaluation. As well as it is aimed at the homestays of “Little Half-Sky” which ever won the honor of “the most beautiful community of Taiwan” where are located at the Lugu Township in Taiwan. Among those homestays, this research evaluates with three characteristic homestays:” Green Fairy”(綠晶鈴),”Yeh-Tsai-Yuan”(野菜園),”Yuan-Lu-San-Chun”(遠路山村). It is expected that this research can provide the core competence of business in this area, as well as promoting the efficiency of management. Furthermore, it can enhance the whole quality of tourism in this area. This research of the initial framework is based on the principles by literature review. The further action is in terms of the interview with experts in order to get the formal framework. Then, the research conducted the questionnaire survey for the homestay owners as well as the travelers who ever stayed in the same homestay. The techniques of analyzing questionnaire survey are used by DEMATEL-based on ANP (called DANP) in order to find out the key factor of homestay management in the “Little Half-Sky” and the causal relationship as well. Following is an example of the analyses for the customers in “Yuan-Lu-San-Chun”(遠路山村): 1.According to the results of this analysis, the key aspects of the homestay owners is “The embellishment and uniqueness for the outside design of a homestay”, “The environmental sanitary and maintenance”, “The marketing and promotion”, “The unique management”, “The respect for the environment and ecology, with the attitude toward organic life to manage a homestay”, “The efficiency of service and manner” 2.From the indication of the causal relationship, “the marketing and promotion” will affect other key aspects, which is the first priority of improvement for an owner of homestay. Through the improvement of marketing and promotion, it can enhance the strength of attraction for the customers for the appearance of the homestay facilities, as well as achieving the benefit of marketing and promotion. On the other hand, it can impress the customers’ attention by posting the relative posters or some of the photos or images with the representative characters; furthermore it can bring the good reputation and achieve the purpose of promotion, as well as attracting the target customers who are expected by the owners of homestays in order to enhance the whole service quality.


