  • 學位論文

以IPA模式探討Doga香酥脆椒經營問題與改善策略 之研究

The Study of Operating Problems and Modified Strategies in Importance Performance Analysis Models of Doga Crispy Peppers Shop

指導教授 : 吳武忠


隨著經濟成長與行銷競爭環境的快速變化,零售業不止侷限在傳統銷售模式的實體店面,亦可藉由網路虛擬通路創造品牌知名度後,再開設銷售實體據點。本研究個案公司為網路購熱銷食品類第一名「Doga香酥脆椒」,它即是從單一網路銷售方式轉為實體的多元化行銷模式,讓原本只限於網路購物的產品,結合熱門觀光景點的實體店面,相繼吸引各媒體報導,單月營收一度達到300萬元,大幅提升整體企業營業額。 因期許未來能擴大行銷範圍及穩定業績成長,及增建食品加工廠及實體店面。除了因應消費者喜愛嚐鮮的消費習性,但如何維持產品品質一致性、知名度及服務品質,已是Doga重要的永續發展競爭策略之一。若經營者在服務品質的重視或顧客期望與實際消費後的認知不一致,則會產生經營上服務的缺口,亦將造成消費者不滿意而失去忠誠度,以上之重點則為本研究之目的。 本研究採用IPA分析法找出Doga服務品質的重要程度與滿意度的指標分析,以瞭解不同消費人口背景資料對Doga整體品質滿意程度的差異,分析企業本身定位,以提升品牌形象策略及擴大營業決策的參考。


With rapid economic growth and market competition environment changes. Retailing not just confined to the traditional sales model entity stores. After the virtual paths through networks to create brand awareness. Sales entity position opens. The case study company for online buying hot food first “Doga fragrant crispy peppers” It is from a single online sales approach to entity of the diversified marketing patterns. Originally confined to the online shopping products entity store combined with popular sightseeing spots. One after another to attract media coverage. One-month revenues reached 3 million NT Dollar, Dramatically improve overall business turnover. Hopes to expand the scope of marketing and stable growth in the future. Food processing and entity stores and more. Response to the consumption habits of consumers a taste of delicacy. How to maintain product quality consistency, visibility and quality of service. Is an important sustainable development of competitive strategies of Doga. Operators ' emphasis on customers' expectations in quality of service and actual consumption of cognitive dissonance. Operation service gap is created, it will also cause consumers dissatisfaction and loss of loyalty. Has been focused on for the purposes of this study. This study uses IPA analysis method to find the Doga pointer to the level of importance and satisfaction quality of service analysis. To understand the different consumer demographic background data on Doga differences in satisfaction with the overall quality. Analysis of enterprise's own positioning. Reference to enhance brand image and expand the business strategy decisions.


