  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Relationship between Teacher’s Teaching Beliefs and Classroom Management Strategies of an Experienced Junior High School Teacher in Taipei County

指導教授 : 游進年


本研究以一位國中資深教師為研究對象,旨在探討其教學信念與班級經營策略的關係。根據研究主題,採取觀察、訪談及文件分析等方法,進行研究。研究者藉由參與觀察、訪談個案教師、其他教師、學生、家長與行政人員,並整理及分析文件資料,反覆閱讀觀察所得田野筆記、訪談逐字稿與研究者心得等方法,進行為期一學年的研究,深入了解個案教師教學信念對其班級經營策略的影響。經綜合討論與分析結果,得到以下的發現: 一、個案老師教學信念的內涵 (一)對教學的信念-因材施教,教輔並重:讓每位學生都能得到「教育的好處」的教學信念。了解學生差異,運用多元的教學方法因材施教,實施有效的輔導策略,促進學生學習進步。 (二)對學生學習的信念-開發潛能,多元評量:重視學生多元智能,發展多元評量模式,診斷學生學習成就,協助其了解自我專長。 (三)對教師自我角色的信念-教育關懷者:以「公平公正」和「關愛包容」的態度教導學生,使學生感受教師對其學習的關心。 (四)對教師自我效能的信念:秉持學生第一教學為先、自我專業成長和進行教學反思的信念,追求進步。 二、個案老師教學信念形成的因素 (一)個人因素的影響:包括家庭、教育、年資與經驗等。(二)環境因素的影響:包括學校、學生、家長、社區、社會與教育政策等,均會影響個案教師的教學信念。 三、個案教師教學信念與班級經營策略的關係 (一)班級經營策略:1.班級常規-民主式的管理。2.教室環境-參與式的經營。3.班級氣氛-訂定班級目標。4.偏差行為-運用輔導策略。5.教師時間-有效的支配時間。6.親師關係-誠信的溝通方式。 (二)個案教師教學信念與班級經營策略的關係:1.教學信念的影響:實施因材施教與創新教學。2.學生學習信念的影響:培養創造與解決問題的能力。3.教師自我角色信念的影響:形塑教師典範角色。4.教師自我效能信念的影響:追求專業成長和教學反省的能力。 根據研究分析討論與所歸納的結論,提出下列建議供教師、學校、教育主管機關與未來研究參考。 一、對班級教師的建議:(一)調整教師自我角色。(二)發展有效的班級經營策略。(三)培養興趣與嗜好。 二、對學校的建議:(一)尊重導師之裁量權,增進教師自我效能。(二)充分行政支援,協助教師教學。(三)重視校園倫理。(四)形塑良好的學校文化,展現辦學績效。 三、對教育主關機關的建議:(一)減輕教師教學時數,確保教學品質。(二)降低班級人數,使每個學生得到最好的照顧。(三)擬定有效配套措施,加強輔導家庭功能不彰的學生。(四)導師經驗需要傳承,建議實施「師徒制」輔導新進教師。 四、對未來研究的建議:(一)研究對象:可擴及其他領域教師。(二)研究方法:增加晤談、問卷與調查等量化研究法。(三)研究內容:可延伸其他相關層面,例如:教師特質、學生差異、與師生互動等,對教師班級經營策略的影響探討之。


This research takes an experienced junior high school teacher in Taipei County as a case study to explore the relationship between teacher's teaching beliefs and classroom management. The study incorporated qualitative methodologies, including participant observation, interview and document analysis. According to document analysis, participant observation, interview and discussions of the case, the conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. The case teacher’s teaching beliefs of the case were included: (1) Teaching beliefs: To teach students in accordance with their aptitude and abilities. (2) Student's learning beliefs: to develop students' multiple intelligence and multiple assessments. (3) Teacher's role playing:to pay teacher's humane concerns to students. (4) Teacher's efficacy beliefs: to request teacher's professional development and self-examination. 2. The factors that influencing teaching beliefs for the case were: (1) Individual elements, including: family, education, age, working experience, etc. (2) Environmental elements: including: schools, students, parents, community, social value, mass media, education policy and so on. 3. The relationship between teacher's beliefs and classroom management strategies for the case were as follows: (1) Classroom management strategies: democratic management of classroom rules; participant management of class environment; class goals building; effective pedagogies and counseling; control teacher's time economically and good communication with parents. (2) The relationship existed: multiple adaptive and creative pedagogies influenced by teaching beliefs; cultivation of students' creative and problem resolve ability formed by learning beliefs; teacher's ideal role molded by teacher-self role beliefs; teacher's professional development and self-examination caused by teacher's self efficacy. Based on the results and conclusions, some suggestions for teachers, schools, educational administration and further research in the future were proposed as follows: 1. To teachers: (1) To reconcile with teacher's role. (2)To develop effective class management strategies.(3)To acquire teacher's ability and hobbies. 2. To schools: (1) To esteem teachers. (2) To assist teachers' pedagogies. (3) Torespect school ethics. (5) To cultivate quality school. 3. To educational administration: (1) To decrease teacher's instructional periods. (2) To reduce class-size. (3) To develop effective counseling strategies to help disadvantaged students. (4) To establish teachers' apprenticeship system. 4. For further research: (1) To extend study on different domain teachers. (2) To strengthen quantitative methodology. (3) To expand other aspects, such as: teacher's characteristics, student's diverseness, the relationship between teachers and students and so on.


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