  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭志富


摘要 本研究旨在瞭解德霖技術學院休閒事業管理系學生就讀動機、學習需求與就業期望等狀況;及不同背景變項學生在就讀動機與學習需求上之差異。研究變項包括:性別、年齡、班別、學制、有無從事與休閒產業相關工作之經驗。研究對象為德霖技術學院休閒事業管理系已畢業,且目前正從事與休閒產業相關工作之學生,與九十五學年度第二學期在學之學生,分別採立意訪談和問卷調查兩種方式進行研究,並以描述性統計、單因子變??分析等資料處理方法進行統計分析,得到以下結論: 一、學生就讀動機,除本身興趣外,多認為休閒管理是個新興行業,休閒事業管理又是熱門科系,學習這個領域的課程有助於未來工作發展;重要他人影響不大,可見現在學生的自主性愈來愈高。 二、學生認為實習、實務與實作性的課程很重要,應對進退所必須的人際關係與禮儀,也被列為重要專業課程;認為偏重理論性的課程不重要,可見學生的學習需求,主要以未來工作所需為考量。 三、大部分學生選擇擔任內勤與中間階層的工作,職場的選擇,也是以室內、舒適、安全與熱門為優先考慮,顯示學生不願承受壓力、不願承擔責任、不願吃苦以及不願從事危險性較高的工作。 四、就讀動機方面,不同年齡、不同班別以及有無從事與休閒產業相關工作經驗的研究對象在「外在動機」部分有顯著差異,不同班別的研究對象在「內在動機」部分也有顯著差異;學習需求方面不同性別與不同班別的學生在「專業必修科目」部分有顯著差異 。 根據研究結論,建議德霖技術學院休閒事業管理系未來能將學生主要就讀動機列為招生宣導重點;課程規劃方面能將學生認為重要、不重要,以及受訪者的建議納入新學年課程修訂之參考;並善用學校系科已有之資源,如學校關係企業凱撒飯店、與學校關係良好的烏來名湯等,安排學生實習地點;師資延聘方面則建議依中長程目標規劃,增聘休閒專業領域的師資,以提供學生優質專業知識,為系科永續發展,奠定良好根基。


Abstract The purpose of this study aimed to understand the studying motivation, learning needs and employment expectancy for the students of the Department of Recreation Business Management at De Lin Institute of Technology and also to investigate if the variant results among the studying motivation, learning needs, and employment expectancy were the functions of students’ background variables such as gender, age, class, academic system, and previous job experience. The subjects of this survey included the graduates, who are currently engaged in the recreation business, and the students, who were enrolled at the second semester of the 95th academic year, from the Department of Recreation Business Management at De Lin Institute of Technology. This study was conducted with a questionnaire survey and the interviews with the subjects. The collected data was then analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results from the survey were concluded as following: 1. The overall subjects were primarily motivated for enrollment, in addition to their interests, by the promising prospects of recreation business management and the subsequent popularity of such college departments, where they desired the expertise for future job employment. The subjects have shown a high extent of autonomy for enrollment choices as indicated by the insignificant influences from some important other persons. 2. The learning needs centered on the main concern for the future job employment. The subjects regarded the internship, practices, and the practice courses as essential, courses involved in social interactions of personal relationship and courtesy as important; however, they showed low needs toward the theoretical or lecturing seminars courses. 3. Most of the subjects expressed their job expectancy to office duty and positioning in the middle ranks. They set their priority for the work locations as those which offer interior, comfort, security, and trend. This finding indicated that the subjects were reluctant to bear pressure, responsibilities, hardship, or risks from the work field. 4. As for the relations among the examined variables in this study, three significant correlations were found in this survey: a. the students with distinctive age groups, classes, and prior work experience showed significant difference in extrinsic studying motivation; b. the students from different classes showed significantly distinctive intrinsic studying motivation; c. the students of different genders and from different classes showed significantly different conception about the required professional courses. Based on the findings from this survey, some suggestions can be made for the curriculum of Recreation Business Management at De Lin. The major studying motivation can be highlighted for the recruit publicity; the opinions from the students and suggestions from the interviewees should be accommodated into the course planning in the new academic year; the school resources should be well utilized to arrange the intern practice locations for the students such as the affiliated Caesar Hotel and the well-connected Wu Lai Spring; more professional experts should be recruited to join the department faculty according to the school middle and long term goals in order to provide the students with the optimal knowledge for the occupational expertise and thus lay solid foundation for the continual development for the Recreational Business Management Department at De Lin.


鄭志富(1996)。體育運動管理人員專業能力之探討。中華體育,10 (3) ,8-17。


