  • 學位論文


The Design of Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation Teaching Material for Korean students

指導教授 : 葉德明


目前在韓國華語教學界開設華語發音課程的單位極少,而充分介紹華語發音之教材也並不多,因此筆者斟酌實際上的需求,根據韓籍學生華語發音的偏誤現象,設計一本適用於韓籍學生之華語發音教材 。期望本論文所設計的發音教材有助於韓籍學生學習華語發音。 本論文於第一章緒論,説明研究背景、研究目的、研究方法以及名詞釋義。 第二章 文獻探討,探討韓中發音之對比、韓籍學生華語發音偏誤現象與其原因和教材編輯原則。 第三章 研究方法,透過問卷調查法,分析韓籍學生華語發音學習上的難點。 第四章 比較韓、中、台華語教材,按照華語發音教材要素分析與比較韓、中、台華語教材。 第五章 適用於韓籍學生的華語發音教材設計,根據韓籍學生華語發音偏誤分析結果,設計適用於韓籍學生的華語發音教材。 第六章 試教,根據第五章所設計的發音教材進行試教,試教結束後再進行教第七章 結論,總結以上的研究結果而提出研究成果與研究限制。


This thesis is written in order to design a suitable Chinese pronunciation material for Korean students. This thesis first introduces the research background, purpose, method and explain related terms of this thesis and reviews the differences of the pronunciation between Korean and Chinese. And Chapter 3 is based on the questionnaires results analyzes the pronunciation errors of Korean students. According to the analysis results of Chinese pronunciation materials Korea, China and Taiwan three countries published, investigates the present state of Chinese pronunciation teaching material. Then Chapter 5 is based on the differences of pronunciation between Korean and Chinese from chapter two and the research results from chapter three and four to design a Chinese pronunciation teaching material for Koreans. Lastly the researcher will evaluate the curriculum via student’s test and questionnaires results then correct it.


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