  • 學位論文


An Effect of the Training Program for Junior High School Counselors as Supervisors

指導教授 : 許維素


本研究旨在探討國民中學輔導教師督導員訓練方案之成效,研究目的有三:(1)瞭解目前國民中學輔導教師擔任實習學生之督導員的困難與挑戰;(2)對現行國民中學實習督導制度的看法;以及(3)瞭解國民中學輔導教師督導員訓練方案(訓練工作坊與實地團體督導)的效果、有效的進行方式以及相關建議。本研究分為兩部分,第一部分為參與督導員訓練方案訓練工作坊之現職國中輔導教師,進行課程前後之問卷調查,研究資料以Wilcoxon符號等級檢定的無母數統計法、描述統計進行資料分析;第二部分為六名參與督導員訓練方案之現職國中輔導教師,接受半結構式個別訪談,研究資料則以質性研究典型一般質性分析方法將資料進行整理。 研究結果分為六個部分,包括:(1)參與督導員訓練前對督導概念的認識,以及擔任督導員的挑戰與困難共五項:學校輔導教師督導權責不明確、督導時間搭配困難、學校輔導教師督導員專業不足、個人個別狀況與實習學生的實習態度與行為不符學校輔導教師督導員的期待;(2)督導員訓練(督導員訓練工作坊與實地團體督導)收穫,包括訓練工作坊課程的督導概念學習、實地團體督導幫助解決督導執行上的問題與困難,以及督導專業能力的提升;(3)督導員訓練方案中有效的進行方式共四項:訓練者的因素(包括其專業訓練背景、人格特質、獨特的授課方式與實地團體督導帶領者的示範作用)、實際演練的上課方式、課程內容聚焦與過去督導經驗;(4)督導員訓練方案缺失:受訪者指出不同訓練階段的各項疏失,例如訓練工作坊課程內容重覆等;(5)督導員訓練方案之建議:訓練工作坊部分包含進階課程規劃、教材內容調整、課程形式擴充、增加課程與實務的連結、時間地點安排以及提高現職國中輔導教師參與率等不同面向之建議;實地團體督導則提出督導形式、時間與頻率等建議;以及(6)實習督導制度相關看法:受訪者針對目前實習督導制度提出肯定與需要改進之處,受訪者肯定雙督導制度提供多元意見,及師資培育大學能依教育實習機構需求彈性調整;待改進之處則包括實習事務聯繫、督導人力不足、督導專業訓練不足等,並且針對教育實習機構、資師培育大學,以及如何促進雙方溝通合作三方面提出具體建議。 研究討論則針對此督導員訓練方案之效益,以及對學習有所影響的有利與非有利之因素進行探討。(1)在督導員訓練方案效益方面,發現除了肯定方案的功用外,另有提升現職國中輔導教師接受督導員訓練之意識、因應學校輔導工作擴充督導內涵與面向、發現實地團體督導適合學校環境、豐富了未來督導員訓練的形式與內容及提升了教育實習機構與師資培育大學交流管道與合作機制。以及(2)有利與非有利學習的因素:有利學習的因素包括,督導員訓練方案的設計架構、實地團體督導帶領者作為楷模角色的示範效果、學校輔導教師督導員過去督導他人經驗的幫助;非有利學習的因素則是督導員訓練課程內容與實際學校輔導工作不完全相符、學校輔導工作的實際情形的限制使督導困難未能解決、對實地團體督導功能認識不清或缺乏督導討論素材所造成團體督導的效果不如預期,以及團體督導形式與實務現場之個別督導形式不同。 根據研究結果與討論,對學校輔導實務、國民中學輔導教師督導員訓練方案規劃,以及未來研究三方面提出建議。


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Training Program for Junior High School Counselors as Supervisors. There were three main goals of this study: (a) to understand current difficulties and challenges for junior high school counselors as school counselor interns’ supervisors; (b) to understand the school counselor interns’ supervisors’ opinions of current structure of junior high school internship supervision; and (c) to investigate the effect of the Training Program for Junior High School Counselors as Supervisors (including the training workshop and on-site group supervision), the effective way of conducted the training program, and the suggestions to it. This study applied two research methods, including questionnaire and individual semi-formal interview. The pre- and post-training questionnaires were completed by junior high school counselors who have participated the training workshop. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test and descriptive statistics. Six female junior high school counselors who have attended both training workshop and on-site group supervision were interviewed individually. The interview transcriptions were analyzed by qualitative methodology. The results of the study included six dimensions: (a) the challenges and difficulties individual encountered as a supervisor; (b) the interviewees’ harvest of training program; (c) the effective ways of conducting the training program ; (d) the deficits of the training program; (e) the suggestions of the training program; and (f) the interviewees’ opinions of the current structure of internship supervision. Based on the results of this study, the discussion focused on exploring the effect of the training program, and the facilitating and non-facilitating factors for the interviewees to learn to become a junior high school counselor as supervisor of junior high school counselors. According to the result and the discussion, this study proposed suggestions to school counseling, the training program for the junior high school counselors as supervisors, and for future studies.


