  • 學位論文


A Study of Information Education Curriculum at the Junior High Schools in Taipei and New Taipei Cities

指導教授 : 戴建耘


本研究旨在探究九年一貫課程中資訊教育課程在課綱微調後國中學生資訊教育學習之成效,並比較不同背景變項的學生在資訊教育的學習現況之差異,同時探討九年一貫課綱微調前後之核心能力是否能夠有效銜接。 研究方法採文獻探討與問卷調查法,研究對象為雙北市國中學生,以方便取樣進行調查得到有效樣本共782人。本研究工具為「國中學生資訊教育學習現況之調查問卷」。最後依照研究目的,分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析等方法來進行資料的統計與分析後。得到之結論如下: 一、資訊教育課程課綱微調前後在國中階段的能力指標有顯著差異。 二、資訊教育課程在課綱微調後的學生其學習成效優於課綱微調前。 三、調查參加過資訊相關競賽的學生,普遍在資訊教育的學習成效優於未參加者。 四、調查參加過資訊相關競賽的學生,其參賽意願高於不曾參加者。 五、為提高學生資訊教育的學習成效,學校在八、九年級應開設資訊教育課程。 六、資訊教育課程之課綱微調的方向與內容要與時俱進並符合現況。 七、學校應多舉辦資訊相關競賽並鼓勵學生參加,藉此激發學生的學習動機,有助於提升學習成效。


This study aims to explore the effects of the slight adjustments of the lesson outlines of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum on the information education in junior high school students. The differences of learning effects of the students from different backgrounds are compared in this study. Whether the core ability can be effectively linked before and after the Grade 1-9 Curriculum adjustments is also discussed in this study. The research methods consist of literature review and questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study are junior hihg school students from Taipei City and New Taipei City. There are 782 valid samples through convenience sample survey. The resarch tool is The Questionnaire about Information Education Learning Situations of Junior High School Students. Finally, according to the research purpose, descriptive statistics, independent sample test and one-way ANOVA analysis approach are used to do statistics and analyze the data. The conclusions are as follows: 1. After the course adjustment, the ability indicators of information education vary a lot. 2. After the course adjustment, the learning effects of junior high school students are better than before. 3. The learning effects of the students who have the experience of participation in information-related competitions are better than those who don’t. 4. Students who have the experience of participation in information-related competitions are more willing to take part in these competitions than those who don’t. 5. To enhance students’ learning effects of information education, the school authority concerned should provide the eighth and ninth graders with information education courses. 6. The direction and the content of the information education adjustment should be up-to-date and accord with the current. 7. The school authority concerned should hold information-related competitions more often and encourage student to join, which can help motivate students and help them learn better.


