  • 學位論文


A study of the development of college-level novice counselors’ counseling abilities during a semester’s practicum training.

指導教授 : 陳 秉 華


本研究旨在探討大四實習諮商員在個別實習期間諮商能力的表現與發展情形,並探究影響實習諮商員諮商能力發展的相關因素。本研究採用焦點團體訪談的方式,以台北地區一所師範院校輔導科系之十六位大四實習諮商員為研究對象,於其第一學期個別實習期間,進行四梯次的焦點團體訪談,訪談所得資料以質的分析方式進行分析。根據研究結果,所得發現如下: 一、實習諮商員諮商能力的表現與發展 1.諮商信念:實習諮商員由實習初期直接套用理論的概念來進行晤談,改變成注意當事人的個別差異;實習諮商員也較有彈性地接納諮商員可以有自己的價值觀;但限於經驗不足,實習諮商員進行實務工作時,仍缺乏與諮商理論間的銜接。 2.互動關係:實習諮商員透過實務逐漸瞭解建立關係的方式與時機,但尚未能善用關係協助當事人改變。有些實習諮商員在互動中能逐漸修正、重視與當事人的互動經驗,因而產生較佳的互動關係;有些則讓諮商隨性發展而變成閒聊。 3.概念形成技能:實習諮商員由晤談前收集當事人「問題」的資料,轉而重視經由諮商互動中得到對當事人正向方面的認識;實習諮商員缺乏統整、分析個案訊息的能力而無法確立工作方向與目標;在互動中偏重於諮商員的表現,未能對當事人問題進行評估,缺乏理論架構而無法分析當事人問題的成因、瞭解當事人的心理動力;回顧諮商過程,實習諮商員更加體驗到晤談是循序漸進發展的一個過程,但因為缺乏對評估與反應的後設思維,以致無法做出有意圖的反應。 4.諮商技術:實習諮商員僅重視運用諮商的技術,較未能體會技術的理論基礎,也缺乏統合應用各種技術的能力。 5.自我覺察:實習諮商員能覺察自己被引發的情緒,但未能予以有效的處理;偏重自我反省為主的自我覺察、發現自己在某些議題上諮商處理能力有所侷限,以及無法釐清諮商員的角色定位;實習諮商員能發現疑惑,並主動尋求解決之道。 6.專業倫理:實習諮商員在實習過程中特別重視專業倫理中的「保密」守則,也會盡己所能地確實遵守。 二、影響實習諮商員諮商能力發展之相關因素 實習諮商員之諮商能力發展則受到下列相關因素的影響:實習諮商員學習背景與個人信念之影響、實習諮商員實習期間上課經驗的影響、接受督導經驗之影響、學校實習經驗之影響,以及實習期間接案經驗之影響。 研究者最後依據研究結果加以討論,並提出建議,以作為發展大四實習諮商員教育與訓練課程,及後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the developmental changes of college-level novice counselors’ counseling abilities during a semester’s practicum training, and the factors affecting the development of their counseling abilities. The participants of this study were 16 voluntary college-level novice counselors who came from the department of guidance of a university. They were divided into three subgroups. The focus group interview were conducted and held once a month and accumulated up to four times. The main findings were as follows: 1.The results indicated developmental changes in six dimensions of counseling ability, including counseling believes, interaction skills, conceptualization skills, helping skills, self-awareness, and professional ethic. Novice counselors respected the individual differences of their clients, acknowledged that counselors could have their own viewpoints. They finally knew how to interact with their clients more efficiently, and made a significant improvement in data-collecting. They emphasized the use of helping skills. They tried to bring the skills into practice, but not appreciated the spirit of the skill or unified planning with due considerations for all concerned. They tended to make a self-examination after a session and had good sense of the awareness of their own emotional arousal. In the long round, they found out their deficiency in some issues and looked forward further supervision. Besides, novice counselors could abide by the confidential principle as well. 2.The factors affecting the development of their counseling ability were: novice counselors’ study background and personal believes, teacher’s instructions, supervisor’s supervision, and the environment of the school where they practiced practicum. Accumulation of their own counseling experience can also have some effect.. Suggestions for counselor education and supervision as well as future research were provided based on the findings and limitations of this study.




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