  • 學位論文


Human Resource Strategy and Human Resource Management Practice Affecting Organizational Innovation: Using Multinational Leading Enterprises as Example

指導教授 : 朱益賢教授


創新,儼然成為當代影響企業競爭力、創造企業價值的重要關鍵。然而組織應如何在制度面促成有利的創新環境?在競爭激烈的環境,人資部門提供企業創新及成長的策略,往往影響了整體策略執行的成果。本研究以個案研究法,根據Business Week在2007年5月公布的「全球最具創新性企業50名排行榜」之公司在台灣地區設有分支機構為基準,選取七家標竿企業為研究對象,分析其相關資料與進行深度訪談,以探討與歸納出創新標竿企業促進組織創新之人力資源策略與管理實務。主要的研究發現如下: 一、受訪標竿企業多將「創新」納入企業核心價值、企業核心能力、進而建立企業行為準則;從影響組織成員的行為、營造創新氣氛、進而建立組織的創新文化。 二、受訪標竿企業採用不同的人員甄選實務,找到符合公司核心價值的人選,促進組織的創新活動。 三、受訪標竿企業重視員工適應未來變遷的能力;透過完整訓練的規劃與執行,增進員工的創新能力。 四、受訪標竿企業統合個人學習的力量、工作中的經驗與知識,轉換為組織學習的效益;組織成員迅速獲得新知識,提升創新活動的效率與效能。 五、受訪標竿企業讓組織成員在生涯成長過程中有更多自我實現的機會,建立共同價值,避免創新人才的流失。 六、受訪標竿企業多採行職位雙軌制,讓研發、技術創新人員發揮更大的自主空間,促進創新活動的進行。 七、受訪標竿企業透過有效的目標管理,將專案團隊創新活動的績效納入個人績效評核,促進組織的創新績效。 八、受訪標竿企業重視組織結構再造,認為有助於組織溝通的進行及內部資源整合,促進高效率的創新活動。 九、受訪標竿企業的組織授權程度高,可以降低創新活動所耗費之時間,並促進創新活動的進行。 十、受訪標竿企業透過持續的獎勵與回饋,肯定員工的創新成果;不僅提高了組織成員的工作滿意度及組織承諾度,並刺激創新活動的推展,提升創新績效。 由研究結果發現,人力資源策略在企業的創新活動中扮演不可或缺的角色,而形塑創新的企業文化是人力資源策略的關鍵;創新活動的推展亦需要搭配具策略性的人力資源管理實務及措施,才能促進組織創新的績效。


ABSTRACT Innovation becomes a key force that influences enterprise competitiveness and creates enterprise value at the present. Yet, how does an organization nurture a beneficial innovative environment within the confines of set policies? In an intensely competitive environment, HR department provides strategic guidance for supporting innovation, and often affects the results of strategies execution. This study adopted case study method to analyze "The World's 50 Most Innovative Enterprises" ranking in Business Week's May 2007 issue. It targeted companies with branches in Taiwan, finally narrowing down to seven benchmark companies. Through analysis on company information and interviews to discuss and summariaze HR strategy and HR management practice which affecting organizational innovation. This research has the following key findings: 1.The interviewed benchmark companies generally incorporate "innovation" into their core values and core competencies, and then establish behavior principles accordingly. By influencing employees‘ behavior to cultivate an innovation-driven atmosphere and innovative culture. 2.The interviewed benchmark companies adopt various selection practices to find candidates who equips with companies' core values, in order to enhance innovation activities. 3.The interviewed benchmark companies place great emphasis on employee’s adapability to change, plan and implement comprehensive training in order to enhance employees' innovativeness. 4.By consolidating learning capability, working experience and knowledge of individuals, employees swiftly acquire new knowledge, which improves the effectiveness and efficiency of innovation-related activities. 5.The interviewed benchmark companies provide employees with opportunities to achieve their personal goals, which establishes greater shared value and prevents the loss of people. 6.Most of the interviewed benchmark companies adopt dual-career system, which enables R&D and technical persons to have flexible career path, in order to make significant progress in innovative activities. 7.Through effective objective management, the interviewed benchmark companies incorporate team performance into the performance appraisal of individual to enhance the organization's performance in innovation. 8.The interviewed benchmark companies emphasize the organization restructure, which enhances communication within the organization and integration of internal resources, in order to enhance the organization's performance in innovation. 9.The interviewed benchmark companies emphasize delegation of authorization within organizastion, which reduces the time required to implement innovation-related activities and enhance the innovation performance. 10.Through continuous rewards and recognition, the interviewed benchmark companies acknowledge employees' achievements in innovation, which not only raises the work satisfaction of the employees, but also further stimulates the promotion of innovation activities and enhance innovation performance. This research discovers that human resource strategies play indispensable role in an enterprise’s innovation. Innovation, being part of a company’s culture, is key to human resource strategy. Innovation activities should be complemented by strategic human resource management practices, which can effectively improve organization’s performance in innovation.


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