  • 學位論文


Incorporating Health Action Model into Disaster Prevention-Related Competency-Based Courses: An Intervention Study of Preschool Students in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 劉潔心


本研究旨在探討運用健康行動模式融入防災素養導向課程,對於新北市幼兒園大班幼兒之介入成效。本研究介入課程以健康行動模式為理論,結合幼兒園教保服務大綱核心素養、教育部防災白皮書防災素養,以及災害防救策略所設計而成,並以研究者自編的6種檢核表做為評量工具,經過30人的預試,以專家內容效度審查、項目分析,以及內部一致性分析,建立態度、技能、意圖,以及行為題項的效度與信度;以難度與鑑別度分析,檢視知識題項的適合度;以肯德爾和諧係數,確認4位評分者之間的一致性。本研究採便利取樣選取新北市某私立幼兒園60名大班幼兒為正式研究對象,採對照組等待名單研究設計的方式進行。研究假說為經過150分鐘的防災素養導向課程介入後,能提升大班幼兒防災知識、防災態度、防災技能、防災意圖,以及防災行為。本研究所得結果以廣義估計方程式進行分析,統計軟體為 IBM SPSS for Windows 23.0版。研究結果顯示,在控制「組別」與「前測、後測」之後,防災素養導向課程對於受試者的「防災知識」、「防災態度」、「防災技能」、「防災意圖」,以及「防災行為」皆有正向成效;此外,「防災態度」、「防災技能」、「防災意圖」,以及「防災行為」更具有延宕效果。本研究結果可供幼兒園進行防災教育課程之參考。


This study investigated the intervention effectiveness of incorporating the health action model into a preschool students’ competency-based course in New Taipei City. The prevention-related competency-based course of this research is based on the theory of healthy action model, combined with literature review, core literacy of the Curriculum Outlines for Preschool Care-taking Activities, disaster prevention literacy of the Ministry of Education's white paper on educational disaster prevention of education, and disaster prevention strategies. Six checklists designed by the author of this study were used as the assessment tools, and 30 preschool senior class students were asked to undergo a pretest. Subsequently, content validity index reviews, item analyses, and internal consistency reliability analyses were performed to determine the validity and reliability of attitude, skill, intention, and behavior-related items; item difficulty index and discrimination index analyses were conducted to verify the fitness of knowledge-related items; and the Kendall coefficient of concordance was used to identify the consistency among four reviewers. In this study, the convenience sampling method was adopted to select 60 senior class students of a private preschool in New Taipei City; and the waiting list control group method was employed. This study hypothesized that 150 minutes of a disaster prevention-related competency-based course would elevate the preschool senior class students’ knowledge, attitude, skills, intention, and behavior in disaster prevention. The study results were analyzed using generalized estimating equations and statistical software IBM SPSS for Windows 23.0. According to the study results, after controlling the "group" and "pre-test, post-test", the disaster prevention-related competency-based course significantly elevated the students’ disaster prevention knowledge, attitude, skills, intention, and behavior. Except for disaster prevention knowledge, the incorporation of said course effectively enhanced the students’ disaster prevention attitude, skills, intention, and behavior for an extended period of time. These results may serve as references for preschools to design disaster prevention education courses.


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