  • 學位論文


The Household Food Waste Perception of Residents in Taipei And The Rediscovery of Regional Study

指導教授 : 張峻嘉


廚餘的定義為「食物供應鏈中被淘汰的有機性食物廢棄物」,根據環保署統計,臺灣一年回收有60多萬噸廚餘量,每個都市產生的總廚餘量會因都市特質不同而有差異,如人口流動會影響到廚餘回收量。其中臺北市政府正積極處理食物浪費,推行許多政策來試圖降低廚餘量,廚餘減量也可減少環境及生物的破壞。 故本研究旨在了解食物供應鏈下游端的食物浪費—廚餘,根據阿帕杜拉〈物的社會生命:文化視角下的商品〉中的「物性轉變」作為理論基礎,更瞭解廚餘的生成和處理,試圖達到更有效的廚餘減量方式,並以區域差異作為分析基礎,區分臺北市的12個行政區中的不同特性,進一步分析臺北市各行政區的特性與家戶廚餘之間的關係。此外,也透過半結構式訪談的方式,來瞭解臺北市民眾對於廚餘的想法。 研究發現透過探討廚餘物性轉變的源由,得知廚餘的處理是建構在人的判斷價值上,然而因會有數據準確度、空間尺度以及廚餘統計分類等等因素,使廚餘量在區域差異不明顯,反而在世代認知、功能性比較和治理與規範會造成居民對廚餘的想像不同,藉此可進一步透過臺北市民眾對於廚餘的想法,使廚餘減量的推動更完善。


Food waste has been defined as the waste disposal of organic food that are eliminated by the food supply chain. According to the statistics from Environmental Protection Administration (Executive Yuan), there are more than 600,000 tons of food waste a year in Taiwan. Besides, the total amount of food waste produced by each city in Taiwan are different due to different characteristics of cities. For example, the total amount of food waste would be affected by population movement. The Taipei city government is actively dealing with food waste and implementing many policies to try to reduce the amount of food waste. The reduction of food waste can also reduce environmental and biological damage. This research aims to understand the food waste in the middle and lower reaches of the food supply chain. Based on the "Dialectics" in Arjun Appadurai's 《The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective》as the theoretical basis, first, we can understand how to generate and process the food waste; then, try to achieve more effective way of food waste reduction; and last, use regional study as the basis of analysis to distinguish the different characteristics of the 12 administrative districts in Taipei City. We will analyze the characteristics of each administrative district in Taipei City and the relationship between household food waste relationship further. In addition, we also used semi-structured interviews to understand how people in Taipei City think about food waste. The research shows that the processing of food waste is based on human judgement by exploring the source of the change in the physical properties of food waste. However, the amount of food waste regional study is not obvious due to factors such as data accuracy, spatial scale, and statistical classification of food waste. The residents in Taipei have different perceptions on food waste because of the cognition between generation, functional comparison governance norms and so on. We could improve the promotion of food waste reduction after understanding the perception of people in Taipei City on food waste.


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