  • 學位論文


The citizens’ social media engagement, suburban mountains image and leisure motivation affect the experience of hiking in Taipei

指導教授 : 張少熙


本研究旨在探討登郊山之臺北市民人口背景變項、社群媒體投入、郊山意象、休閒 動機與登山體驗之現況,並瞭解登山客人口背景變項在社群媒體投入、郊山意象、休閒 動機與登山體驗之差異情形,探究變項之間的相關情形及其對於登山體驗之預測能力。 本研究以一年內曾造訪臺北市郊山步道之臺北市民為對象,採用立意抽樣方式於網路進 行問卷發放,共發放了 783 份問卷,扣除無效問卷後為 781 份有效樣本,回收有效率 99.7%。研究結果顯示:(一) 樣本中以女性、年齡介於 20-39 歲、學歷為大學 (專)、職 業為學生、每月登山頻率為 1 次 (含) 以下者為居多。(二) 臺北市民對登山話題之社群 媒體投入、郊山意象、休閒動機與登山體驗有良好感知與行為,且在不同人口統計變項 上有顯著差異,會因為登山客個人背景不同,進而有不同感受。(三) 社群媒體投入、郊 山意象、休閒動機各構面與登山體驗之間均呈現中度以上正相關;而社群媒體投入的「瀏 覽與搜集」與「發布與分享」、郊山意象「步道品質」與「環境景觀」、休閒動機「休 閒紓壓」與「自我成長與交流」對登山體驗有顯著的預測力。根據以上研究結果,研究 者建議相關管理單位可以增加社群媒體做為全民運動推廣與形塑郊山意象之工具,多發 布可引起共鳴之登山相關貼文,增加對話機會,以提高整體郊山步道意象與觸及更多人 群;建議後續研究可以針對其他不同休閒運動項目進行探討,加上實體問卷或採用質性 調查方式,以建立社群媒體與休閒運動領域之間更深厚且明確的連結。


The aim of this study was thus to investigate the characteristics of hiker’s demographic, social media engagement, suburban mountains image, leisure motivation and experience of the hiker in suburban mountains in Taipei, Further, we examined the differences of social media engagement, suburban mountains image, leisure motivation and hiking experience in the variables of differing backgrounds, Finally we also explore the relationship among the variables, and is it predict factors with the hiking experience. This study targets the hiker in the suburban mountains of Taipei as its object and utilizes an online questionnaire to send out 783 copies of survey and after deducting invalid questionnaires, there were 781 valid questionnaires returned, achieving a valid return rate about 99.7%. The findings in this study were as follows: (1) The main hiker in the suburban mountains of Taipei were female students, ranging from 20 to 39, educational background were colleges and universities, the average hiking frequency was once (or less) per month. (2) The most of hiker in Taipei had positive perceptions and participative behaviors in hiking topics on social media, and different demographic background variables show significant differences in social media engagement, suburban mountains image and recreational sports participating motivation, they will have different feelings because of the different backgrounds. (3) There is a moderately positive relationship among social media engagement, suburban mountains image, leisure motivation and hiking experience, and "browsing and collecting" and "posting and sharing "of social media engagement, "trail quality " and " environmental landscape" of suburban mountains image, "leisure and stress relief" and "self-development and communication" of leisure motivation can significant prediction of hiking experience. Based on the research results, recommended that increase social media as a tool for promotion of the policy of sport for all and image-forming process of suburban mountains, and create more resonant hiking-related posts to increase interactive and improve the image of the suburban trail to reach more people. The further study can focus on exploring other leisure sports and add paper-based questionnaires or use qualitative research to establish more clear and deep connection between social media and leisure sports.


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