  • 學位論文


The difference between sexual and win-loss outcome in basketball set offensive

指導教授 : 梁嘉音


目的:本研究旨在分析籃球進攻組織戰開始時間、進攻時間、得分方式及成功率, 並探究性別與勝負隊伍之差異情形。方法:以 109 學年度大專院校籃球聯賽公開一級隊 伍為觀察對象,分析籃球組織戰的進攻情形,共計 140 場賽事 (男:77 場、女:63 場), 蒐集所得資料以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、克-瓦二氏單因子等級變異數分析、獨立與 相依樣本 t 檢定及卡方進行分析。結果:(一) 男女子組織戰開始時間及進攻時間在賽事 階段有達到顯著差異;(二) 得分方式在性別有顯著差異存在,且三分球和禁區的出手投 籃次數皆是男生高於女,但在兩分球則無;成功率在性別亦有顯著差異存在,同樣在三 分球與禁區的成功率皆是男生高於女生,而在二分則無;(三) 組織戰開始時間在勝負隊 伍有達到顯著差異,不過,在進攻時間則無;得分方式在勝負隊伍之間有達到顯著差異; 而成功率在勝負隊亦有顯著差異存在,且三分與禁區的成功率顯示勝隊高於負隊,在二 分成功率則無。結論:(一) 男子及女子組織戰開始時間及進攻時間,皆會因不同比賽階 段而有所變化;(二) 組織戰得分方式與成功率在性別上皆有差異存在,男子組較女子組 偏好在三分線和禁區出手投籃,但在二分出手兩者皆沒有差別;同樣地,成功率在性別 上是有差異存在,且男生在三分及禁區的成功率皆是優於女生;(三) 組織戰開始時間在 勝負隊伍是有差異存在,勝隊慢於負隊;而勝負隊伍的進攻時間則沒有差別;得分方式 及成功率皆是勝隊優於負隊,即為攸關勝負結果之因素。


進攻時間 得分方式 成功率 UBA


Purpose:This study was to investigate the start time, offensive time, scoring type and success rates of the basketball set play in the University Basketball Association tournament. In addition, further analysis was performed to identify the difference between the sexual and win lose outcome on basketball offensive. Methods : Date were collected during the 2020 University Basketball Association tournament. The 140 matches (male 77 matches, females 63 matches) were observed and parameter were measured through videotapes. The measured including the star time, offensive time, scoring type and success rates by each set play of game. Descriptive statistics and independent one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis H test, independent t-test, dependent t-test and Chi-square test (X 2 test) were utilized to analyze between stage of matches, sexual and win-loss outcome difference. Results: (i) The star time of set play and offensive time showed significant difference between three stages of the game for men’s and women’s team. (ii) By sexual difference, significant difference were found on the scoring type of set play and success rates showed. The men’s team was higher than women’s team in three point shots and penalty area, but in two point shots was not. (iii) The star time of set play, scoring type and success rates showed significant difference between the win-loss outcome, but no significant in the offensive time was observed. The three point shots and penalty area of success rates in winning team was higher than losing team, but no difference in two point shots. Conclusions:(i) The start time of set play and offensive time of male and iv females were vary depending on the stage of the game. (ii) The scoring type and success rates of set play had significant difference. The men’s team prefers to shoot from the three-point line and the penalty area than the women's team, but there was no difference in the two-point shots. Similarly, there were differences in the success rate between sexual, and male had better success rates in three point shots and penalty areas than females. (iii) The star time of set play had a significant between the win-loss outcomes, the win team was slower than lose team. The offensive time was no difference in the win-loss outcome. The winning teams was better than the losing teams in both scoring type and success rates, which were the factor of win-loss outcome.


Offensive time Scoring type Success Rate UBA


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