  • 學位論文


A Study on the Article 321 of the Criminal Law - Aggravated Punishment of Larceny

指導教授 : 鄭逸哲


我國刑法第321條有關加重竊盜罪的規定,於民國100年01月26日修正並公布了相關條款,而向來於實務及學說上,對於該條項的性質及各款規定的解釋即存有相當大的歧異,然在此次的修法當中,僅僅刪除第一款「於夜間」的規定,而於第六款中新增「其他供水、陸、空公眾運輸之舟、車、航空機內而犯之者」的要件,至於本條其他款項的規定,則並未做出任何修改,也導致於過去實務與學說所存在的爭議問題仍舊存在,故本文嘗試著從加重竊盜罪的構成要件予以分析,並綜合實務與學說上所提出關於本條文之核心問題加以探討,藉由對本條文各罪的要件解析,據以勾勒出其應有之全貌。   文中第一章係對研究方法及範圍予以闡述;第二章對該條第一項所稱「犯竊盜罪」加以定義,除探討行竊行為的本質並不會造成人身法益受侵害外,亦從體系上將「竊佔罪」排除於該條之適用;第三章一開始是對於加重事由之性質予以定性,認為將加重事由之性質認定為加重構成要件要素,最為適切,接著是本罪的著手時點探討,本文認為應以竊取行為為著手行為的認定,並運用主客觀混合理論綜合行為人主觀犯意與客觀侵害法益危險之行為加以認定著手時點;第四章 是針對各款加重事由之要件予以剖析,本文從其加重的「理由」為出發點,藉以研究各款事由的處罰範圍以及加重處罰是否合理妥當;最後一章提出總結與本條相關的修法建議。   故本篇論文所欲研究的方向,係以我國法為主軸,著重在我國實務見解的整理以及學者對之所為的評論,嘗試著從眾多案例及理論的架構下,探討出適合我國加重竊盜罪的相關論理及規定 。


The Aggravated Punishment of Larceny has been amendment in 2011, but there are still has a mass of differences between practices and doctrines in its nature and elements. In the amendment only deleted “Entering at night” from the item 1 and added “airport, train, electric car, or a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft for public transport on water, on land, or in the air” from the item 6 of the paragraph 1, but the other items didn’t make any changes, so these differences between practices and doctrines is still there. The themes of this thesis are as the following: chapter Ⅰ expounds the research motivation and methods on this whole thesis; chapter Ⅱ explains what the “A person who commits larceny” really means from the paragraph 1 of the Article 321; chapter Ⅲ determines the nature of these items of Aggravated Punishment of Larceny, and discusses the start time of the attempt; chapter Ⅵ analyses the element from its legislative arguments of these items; chapter Ⅴ in conclusion, provides the legal advices to modify the regulations. The main purpose of this thesis is trying to summarize these opinions of practices and discussions of doctrines in order to explore the most suitable theories for these regulations.


14. 鄭逸哲,「加重竊盜構成要件」乃「構成要件集合」的概念,法令月刊,59卷10期,4-15頁,2008年10月。
1. 甘添貴,刑法各論(上),三民書局股份有限公司,2009年6月初版。
2. 林山田,刑法各罪論(上),元照出版有限公司, 2006年11月五版。
