  • 學位論文


The Inspection and Reconstruction of Investigation Structure Pattern

指導教授 : 廖正豪


我國刑事訴訟法近年雖歷經許多重要變革,惟實務問題千頭萬緒,諸如偵查效率不彰、檢警機關分工未臻落實、檢察機關收案數量過於沈重、偵查品質未能提升等問題,導致人民對執法機關之公正性、執法效率難以信服,長此以往,甚至將使人民對法秩序失去信賴。 前開問題根本解決之道,應自法制面加以考察,並就刑事訴訟法中,關於偵查結構模式設計良窳、賦予檢察官業務及職權、檢察官與司法警察間互動關係等角度切入,並參酌外國法制,對前開問題為通盤且深入之檢討。 本文擬以我國檢察官、司法警察機關之角色與職權為出發點,闡明我國刑事訴訟法之退案制度、准予不解送人犯制度、檢警聯繫制度、檢察事務官運用等法制,兼及外國相關法制之比較,就實務面臨收案量暴增情形,本文亦特別提出日本法關於司法警察之微罪處分權,以供我國法制之參考,最後,本文擬依我國近日修法趨勢,以英美法制為借鏡,嘗試重新詮釋檢察官在刑事訴訟法上所扮演之角色,並重新建構我國刑事訴訟法中偵查結構模式,期對現行制度既存之前開問題,就法制面提出具體而可行之建議。


Although in recent years, the Code of Criminal Procedure has gone through many major changes; in practice, there are still a lot of issues need to be resolved. For example, criminal investigation could be more efficient; the division of work between prosecutors and the police shall be put into effect; the number of cases received by the prosecutor’s office is too large; the quality of investigation has not yet improved, and so on. As a result, people do not trust the justice of law enforcement agencies and its efficiency. In the long run, people may even lose trust in the legal order. The key solution to the above problems shall be resolved from the perspective of legal system. The paper studied and reviewed the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the design of investigation structure pattern, the duty and obligation of prosecutors, and the interaction between prosecutors and judicial police officers. With reference to foreign legal systems, we tried to provide a thorough and in-depth analysis to the above issues. The paper starts from the role and obligations of the prosecutors and judicial police officers in Taiwan, in order to illustrate certain systems under the Code of Criminal Procedure. For instance, the case rejection system, the system that an accused or suspect shall not be sent under certain circumstances, the contact between prosecutors and police officers, and the system of prosecutor`s investigators. We made comparisons to other foreign legal systems. Moreover, in response to the expanding number of cases received in practice, we pointed out that judicial officers in Japan have rights to dispose petty crimes, as a reference for our legal system. Finally,in order to provide practical and feasible proposals to legally solve the existing problems mentioned above, this paper attempts to re-interpret the role that prosecutors are playing and to re-construct the investigation structure under the Code of Criminal Procedure currently in effect in Taiwan by referring to the recent trend in law amendments in Taiwan and the legal systems of the Britain and United States.




