  • 學位論文


Exploring Social Determinants of Teachers' Innovation Behavior

指導教授 : 陳婉琪


近年來「翻轉教室(Flipped Classroom)」風潮興起,各校紛紛積極鼓勵老師創新教學,然詹志禹(2002)提到國中教師因升學制度,在教學上較難創新,而國中生也因制式的課程而對學習失去動力,2012親子天下雜誌(第33期)更點出對學習缺乏熱忱的國中生成為「無動力的世代」的教育問題。本研究以2001年TEPS的全國性教師問卷資料為樣本,分析教師個人背景、學校創新及升學風氣和同儕影響等三個因素對國中老師創新教學意願的影響。依據ststa簡單邏輯迴歸(Logistic Regression Model),研究結果如下:(1)中生代老師的創新意願比資淺及資深老師更具有教學創新的意願; 國中教師的教育年數愈高,教學創新意願亦愈高。(2)當學校組織創新風氣愈高,老師創新意願也隨著提升; 當學校組織升學風氣愈高,老師創新意願會隨著降低。(3)學校內有老師進行教學創新和校內有老師協同教學對國中老師教學創新意願顯著相關;同儕支持與教師教學創新的意願卻無相關。研究結果發現:教師同儕協同合作是影響教師創新教學意願的關鍵。 本研究貢獻為以往有關創新教學的研究多半侷限於區域性的國小或國中,抑或侷限於部分領域,本研究以TEPS的全國性國中教師問卷,樣本兼顧城鄉的分配,具有全國代表性的優點。依據本研究結果可提供教育當局政策上或學校領導人校務經營的參考: (一)校內創新教學分組規劃:以中生代老師為教學創新的種子老師,結合資淺老師的年輕創意及資深老師的豐富經驗,帶動創新風氣,間接也會消弭升學制度下老師間比較成績惡性風氣。(二)創新獎勵需具體且具吸引力:除了口頭及書面嘉獎外,應提出能具體或實質或吸引力的鼓勵方式,且強化團隊運作與領導效能亦能大大提升。


In recent years, the trend for “flipped classroom” goes viral, so schools start to encourage teachers to do innovative instruction. However junior high school teachers lose innovation in teaching methods, and high school students lose their motivation in learning because of the cramming of knowledge.These high school students who lack of enthusiasm for learning are marked as “No power generation.” The data used on this research were pulled from National Teachers’ Survey done by TEPS in 2001, to analyze if a teacher’s background, school innovation, and the mood of the higher education enrollment have a significant influence on a teacher’s willing to try innovative ideas in teaching.According to Simple Logistic Regression Analysis, the research result shows as followings: 1.Teachers with (11-20) years of teaching experience tend to have willing to employees innovative ideas in their teaching comparing to beginners and seniors; the higher the teaching years they have, the more likely they would like to try teaching in an innovative way. 2.With higher the Organizational Innovative Climate, it’s more likely for a teacher to implement innovative instruction. On the contrary, with a school of higher value of higher education enrollment rate, it’s less likely for a teacher to try innovative instruction. 3.There is a significant relationship among a teacher’s willing to use innovative instruction, whether innovative instruction is implemented by other teachers within the school, and schools with collaborative teaching. Furthermore, there is no relationship found between the willing of trying innovative teaching and peer support. This research based on TEPS samples which cover city and rural areas representing the data for the whole country. The research results can be used as a reference for education administrators when setting up educational policies.


