  • 學位論文


A Study on the Manpower Utilization of Taipei City Government’s Excessive Manual Worker

指導教授 : 呂育誠


早期工友進用員額並未有效管制,導致工友員額不當膨脹。然隨著時代變遷,加上行政作業電腦化、業務外包、志工等人力的運用及公務人員自我服務觀念已逐漸建立,各機關事務性工作應由工友擔任之觀念已日漸式微。基此,行政院為減輕政府財政負擔及減少各機關工友人力,設定工友員額設置基準,並推動事務勞力替代措施。在臺北市政府比照適用後,如何有效運用現有超額工友人力?及加速員額消化,本研究透過文獻分析法、深度訪談法及問卷調查法等實證研究,瞭解超額工友人力運用措施在政策面與實務面落差,進而對相關政策提出建議。 本論文研究發現如下: 一、政策面:(一)工友管理制度對其權益轉變影響;(二)工友與臨時人員權益不平衡致生管理上困擾;(三)依員額設置基準計算員額並非完全符合用人機關需求;(四)工友權益及定位不明;(五)對工友權益仍予保障。 二、執行面:對用人機關影響(一)對超額工友人力運用措施態度消極;(二)不利於事務性工作推動; (三)人力甄補狀況不一,勞逸不均現象仍然存在;(四)人力調度欠缺彈性;(五)調派人力支援的阻力。對工友影響:(一)對相關資訊認知不足並感到不安;(二)加發慰助金鼓勵提前退離影響有限(三)抗拒移撥或調動機關;(四)轉換專業技工及專業工友可行性。 本論文研究建議如下: 一、工友人力資源規劃適切性:(一)設定永久性及替代性人力進用比例;(二)工作再設計。 二、政策面:(一)依據業務性質檢討員額設置基準;(二)訂定實質獎勵措施,鼓勵用人機關積極配合;(三)建立一套移撥機制;(四)工友工作技能提昇。 三、執行面:(一)加強政策宣導,以強化用人機關支持;(二)建立勞資溝通平台,減少工友不安全感;(三)落實汰劣機制;(四)彈性運用人力。


Due to the ineffective control of manual worker quota in early times, the number of manual worker has been improperly increased. As time goes by, the computerization, outsourcing business, volunteers and the establishment of the public servants’ self-service concept have resulted in a reducing workload for manual workers in each government unit. To reduce government’s financial burden and the manual manpower of each government unit, the Executive Yuan has set a standard quota for manual workers as well as promoted the manpower replacement measures. After taking the appropriate steps, how can Taipei City Government effectively utilize the excessive manual manpower and quickly reduce the excessive number of manual workers? Through the empirical studies such as document analysis, in-depth interview and survey-questionnaire, this study found the differences between the strategies of excessive manual manpower utilization and practices and further provided recommendations for relevant strategies. The findings of research are as followings: I Strategy: (1)the impact of manual worker control system on the change of rights;(2)the manual and temporary workers’ balance of rights has created management issues; (3)the calculation of standard quota of manual worker does not necessary meet the needs of government units; (4) the manual workers’ rights and positions are not clear; (5) the worker’s rights should be protected. II. Implementation: the impact on the worker hiring unit (1) pessimistic attitude on the utilization of excessive manual manpower;(2)it’s unfavorable to the promotion of manual works; (3)inconsistent recruitment and replacement. Uneven division of works still exists;(4)inflexible manpower arrangement;(5)obstruction of assigning manpower support. The impact on manual workers:(1)insufficient knowledge of related information and feel unsecured (2)give extra solatium to encourage early retirement only has limited effect.(3)resist transferring units;(4)possibility of transferring to professional skill workers The recommendations are as followings: I. Appropriate human resources planning for manual workers: (1)set a ratio of permanent worker to temporary worker ;(2)redesign job contents. II. Strategy:(1)review the standard quota of manual workers according to the nature of jobs;(2)establish incentive measures to encourage the active cooperation from the hiring units . (3)establish a transferring system;(4)improve the manual workers’ working skills. III. Implementation: (1)enhance the promotion of strategy to receive more support from the hiring unit’s support;(2)establish a communication platform between the labor and capital to reduce the workers’ insecurity.(3)implement the elimination system;(4)flexibly utilize manpower




