  • 學位論文


The Study of A Digital Movement Efforts Diagnosis Model Based on LMA

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


近年來,政府積極推動數位典藏計畫,在這資訊快速發展的時代,大多數的資料都可以進行數位化,將資訊量化或經過處理後做數位典藏;但是在舞蹈和運動的領域方面,人體動作的量化分析仍屬拓荒階段。以舞蹈為例,目前雖然有舞譜編輯系統和動作擷取系統(motion capture),但仍然無法將動作以數據做分析來加以應用。 拉邦動作分析(LMA)理論是一套目前在舞蹈界用來進行動作分析的方法,可以將人體動作以系統化的方式進行描述,此方法為觀察動作的工具,作為人體動作質地量化的理論基礎,拉邦動作分析包含八個動作質地- Indirect、Direct、Light、Strong、Sustain、Sudden、Free及Bound等,以人類可理解的方式用來描述和分析動作的內涵,更進一步的,可以觀察到肢體所表達的情緒,但是這套分析方式目前只能請拉邦理論專家做人工肉眼的觀察,電腦還無法作自動化的質地辨認或質地的應用,這是因為在動作數位化分析方面,並沒有一套量化、可計算的方法。 本研究的主要目的為找出人體動作質地的特徵,並利用運動學參數作為質地量化分析的變量,分析質地在連續動作下的特性參數。本研究使用波型分析與統計分析來找出質地的特性參數與其值域,用來建構人體動作質地的診斷模型。人體動作質地診斷模型可以在播放影片的同時,去診斷人體的動作質地,告訴我們在哪些人體肢段有哪些質地的產生。而本研究結果,可以應用於運動、健康等產業,例如:糾正我們的姿勢、用力方式或是用力部位,讓我們可以預防運動傷害或是提升復健和健身的效率。


Recently, the government has been promoting the digital archive program so almost all the data can be digitally preserved after the quantification of the information. However, in dance and sports related fields, the quantitative analysis of human body movements is still in early stage. Take dance for example, though nowadays the system can capture motions and edit labanotation, we still cannot analyze the motions with data digitally. LMA(Laban Movement Analysis) theory is a method applied to the analysis of human body movements in dance, which can present human body moments in a systematic way. LMA includes eight Efforts, which are Indirect、Direct、Light、Strong、Sustain、Sudden、Free and Bound. It is not only used as a tool to observe human body movements but also as the theordical foundation of human body movement quantification. However, this theory still relies on experts’ judgements with naked eyes. The computers are unable to automatically recognize and apply the datas due to the fact that there is still no quantifiable and countable method for digital analysis in movements. The main purpose of this research is to find characteristic motion of Efforts in a human body movement, and to apply the variable which used Kinematics parameters as quantified Efforts to anaylize the Charateristic Parameters of Efforts under successive movements. This research applies waveform and statistic analysis to find out the Characterics Parameters and the range of the value of Efforts which can structure the diagnosis model of human body movements Efforts. The diagnosis model of human body movements Efforts can tell the occurrencese of Efforts in human limbs as the motion picture is played. The results of this research can be applied to health and sports industries such as the adjustments of positions and the way to put forth on one’s strength, which can prevent sports injuries and enhance the efficiency of rehilibation.


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