  • 學位論文


Design and Implement of Medicine Management System by Appling RFID

指導教授 : 衛祖賞


本論文描述如何運用嵌入式系統並結合相關硬體如:防潮箱、HF RFID與UHF RFID相關硬體,達到建構完善居家藥品保存環境的目的,透過嵌入式系統與HF RFID整合成為家中人員辨識系統,並由UHF RFID Tag讀取到的藥品資訊做為藥品辨識系統,經由CGI藥品資訊介面,使用者拿取藥品時即可透過使用者介面了解所使用的藥品資訊。 本系統為提供家中提供詳盡藥品資訊與管理,希望藉由本系統提供一般家庭對於藥物的認識並提供更詳盡的藥品資訊,家中患者透過使用者介面就可以了解藥品的特性,當使用者忘記服用藥品時,透過手機簡訊通知使用者該服用藥品了,透過穩定的用藥環境讓患者病情及早穩定與健康。 患者在服用藥品的過程中如果拿錯藥品或是拿到過期的藥品時,經由蜂鳴器提醒使用者拿到錯誤的藥品,可以減少使用者服用到錯誤或是過期藥品的情況,提供患者更加安全的用藥環境,患者經由系統介面選擇所需要服用藥品項目;當需要提醒患者用藥時,可利用系統設定預約用藥清單,經由系統所提供簡訊的方式提醒患者用藥,透過藥品箱WebServer介面提供遠端使用者用藥資訊,利用所取得的用藥資訊將可提供未來遠端醫療照顧中所需的患者用藥情況,提供解決醫療人員對於患者用藥情況的了解,改善醫療藥品嚴重浪費的情況。


RFID 藥品管理 嵌入式系統


We are going to develop the medical management system for a drug box, which will utilize the RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) batch reading functions to help people using drugs in definite time and definite quantity. In the foreseeable future , RFID will be used generally in all goods for automatic accounting in supermarket. Thus, all the goods we purchased will be attached with a RFID tag, especially, the high price drugs. We may implement a medical management system to automatically read the EPC code in a RFID. The medical management system can provide the following functions. Automatically tell which drugs are expired when we get a drug from the RFID enable drug box. Let us know how many drugs are in a drug box, without need to open the door. Remind us how many drugs should be taken in definite time. We will put an embedded Linux into the medical management system to provide the web server functions. Using a web browser from the hospital, a doctor can login to the medical management system in a patient’s home. Then, the doctor may check the drugs usage of this patient. The system can thus prevent a patient from misuse drug. Integrate the RFID technology and embedded Linux to implement a medical management system will provide functions make life of human more easily. Through the functions of a RFID enable drug box, families of patients need not to frequently ask the patient to do the nerves drug taken work. Families of patients may more harmonic.


8.楊建豐,《無線網路在資訊家電的應用》,崑山科技大學 電子工程所
9.王里仁,《應用RFID於物流中心即時系統之研究—以EPC規範為基礎》,中原大學 資訊管理
1.大紀元3月6日訊 , 台灣人民愛吃藥 每年浪費3.6噸藥品, http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/3/6/n2033932.htm
2.藥師週刊電子報 1600期 2008/12/01 ,兒童最常吃錯感冒藥。http://www.taiwan-pharma.org.tw/weekly/1600/1600-1-3.htm
3.華亨科技有限公司《XScale PXA255Evaluation Board 實驗開發實務》


