  • 學位論文

ISO 9000 導入動機、執行模式與績效表現之研究–以越南企業為列

Motivation, Implementation and Performance of ISO 9000 – A Vietnamese Case

指導教授 : 吳俊儀


經過二十多年的進化和演變,ISO 9000品質管理系統已成爲目前國際上最普遍接受與有效的標準之一。藉由導入ISO 9000,越南企業將增加很多國內外市場的商機。因此,越南企業若要在全球市場上持續保有競爭的優勢,除需關注經營策略外,亦需將導入ISO9000視為可提升越南企業形象、信譽及競爭力的新工具與能提升設備能力的一項技術。本研究採用問卷調查及個案研究法,探討越南企業申請ISO 9000驗證的導入動機是否影響ISO 9000的執行及維護過程與績效表現。研究結果指出, ISO 9000的導入動機對ISO9000的執行及維護過程有正向影響; 另一外方面ISO 9000 的執行與維護過程亦對績效表現有正向的影響。


Over two decades of evolution, ISO 9000 series standard have been considered one of the most popular and successful standards in the world. Companies in Vietnam have more opportunities to do business with domestic as well as overseas customer. To have the good and sustainable standing in the global market, the companies in Vietnam have to take care of their business strategy. Simultaneously implementing ISO 9000 as a new tool and renewing equipment’s and technology could increase the image, prestige, and good competition in the market for the companies in Vietnam. Using the methods of survey, this research aims at exploring the current implementation, maintenance of ISO 9000 while pursing the certification and performance of ISO 9000 in Vietnam under the varying of its motivation. The results show that motivation of ISO 9000 adoption has positive impacts to implementation, maintenance process and benefits of ISO 9000 adoption; implementation and maintenance process also has positive effects on performance of ISO 9000.


ISO 9000 Motivation Implementation Maintenance Performance


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