  • 學位論文


Structural Analysis and Design of The Table-Type Milling Machine

指導教授 : 翁豊在
共同指導教授 : 黃室苗


本論文針對SH-850銑床機進行雷射精度檢測、整機切削力模擬分析與拓樸結構優化設計。藉以達到精度上的提升、減少材料使用。 本實驗中雷射精度檢測部分,使用Renishaw雷射校正儀對銑床機進行X、Y、Z三軸向精度檢測,此誤差來自於導螺桿的精度不足、各齒條段裝配不佳與齒輪間的背隙。實驗後將各軸誤差之數據加以統整,以利加工時將其誤差值考慮進去。 此SH-850桌上型銑床機在進行加工時,容易因剛性不足,而造成精度下降,本實驗使用ABAQUS對整機進行模擬分析,以得到整機之應力分布情形、位移與變形量。再以此應力分布大小等數據做為參考,將其結果用於拓樸優化設計之中。 本文使用ABAQUS 6.11與TOSCA共同開發之拓樸優化模組,對整機各部件分別進行結構優化設計,其目的在於降低應力集中情形,減少結構變形量,進而達到加工精度之提升,以及延長機台壽命。也可以使用優化設計將原本非應力集中區塊,重新設計鏤空部件,降低材料成本,減少伺服器馬達負擔。 最後將優化重新設計過的零部件,分別再進行模擬分析,以驗證優化後之部件應力集中情形與局部位移變形量皆有得到改善。


The purpose of this thesis was to perform the laser precision measurement, cutting force simulation and topology optimization design with SH-850, table-type-milling machine to improve the precision of milling machines and reduce the amount of materials. In the precision measurement, Renishaw laser adjust meter was used to measure the X,Y,Z axes separately. The deviation of the measure is due to the low precision of lead screws, imprecise of the rack assemblage, and the backlash of the gears. After measuring, the deviation data would be organized, for consideration in operating the table-type milling machine. The precision of the table-type milling machine, SH-850 decreases due to its inadequate stiffness. The finite element analysis software, ABAQUS, was used to simulate milling of SH-850 for the purpose of acquiring distribution of stress and deformation. Afterwards, the distribution was used as a frame of reference in topology optimization design. The thesis applied the topology optimization module developed by ABAQUS 6.11 and TOSCA to each part of the milling machine for topology optimization design. This approach was to avert the stress concentration, and to reduce structural deformation to improve the precision of milling machines, and extend the service life of the milling machine. Optimization design can find the low stress areas of the design and hollow out them to reduce the cost of their materials and the loading of servo-motors. Finally the simulation of the parts which have been redesigned was redone to prove that the pitfalls of both stress concentrations and deformations have been improved.


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