  • 學位論文


Visual Inspection and Evaluation Standards for Arch and K-frame Bridges

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 陳建州


國內目前針對橋梁狀況之檢測方式以DER&U目視檢測評估方法為標準,此檢測方法以橋梁構件之損害程度、損害範圍、與安全之相關性及急迫性等目視檢測之結果來初步判定橋梁之狀況。但最早的DER&U目視檢測僅針對一般梁式混凝土橋發展而成,對於特殊結構橋梁並不適用,是以後來陸續發展出適用於鋼橋、斜張橋及長橋的DER&U目視檢測方法,但在「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」中特殊結構之拱橋與π型橋數量總共多達兩百餘座,其特有構件及受力行為皆與一般梁式橋梁相異,造成檢測時無法確實紀錄所有構件劣化狀況,使得檢測結果與實際狀況不符,可能耽誤橋梁進行維修的時機,造成橋梁管理單位的困擾。 本研究目的為針對拱橋與π型橋建立一套目視檢測評估方法。此檢測評估方法以鋼筋混凝土橋之DER&U目視檢測標準為基礎,建立拱橋與π型橋的構件分類與檢測評估標準。首先定義出拱橋與π型橋類型,探討拱橋、π型橋與一般混凝土橋之構件不同處及各構件劣化類型,並訂定各構件之檢測評估標準,再依專家訪談與問卷之結果,訂定拱橋與π型橋各構件的權數,由此即可依目視檢測之結果計算出拱橋與π型橋之狀況指標值(Condition Index, CI)。 本研究所建立之拱橋目視檢測標準與評估之方法,亦可應用於目前國內各橋梁管理單位所使用之「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」中,便於橋梁管理單位對拱橋或π型橋進行檢測及評估之工作,使此橋梁管理系統之資訊更加完整,功能更為完善。


Currently, the DER&U (Degree, Extent, Relevancy, and Urgency) methodology is the standard method for visual inspection and evaluation of bridges in Taiwan. The original inspection and evaluation standards of the methodology were initially developed for concrete bridges. For special bridges such as steel, steel, cable-stayed, and long bridges, the inspection and evaluation standards have been developed by various researchers in the past few years. However, there are still more than 200 arch and k-frame bridges in the Taiwan Bridge Management System (T-BMS), and their standards of inspection and evaluation are not yet defined. Incorrect inspection or evaluation results could be obtained, if existing standards were applied to these special bridges without considering the differences in structure or in components The purpose of this study is to develop two sets of visual inspection and evaluation standards for the arch and k-frame bridges based on the DER&U methodology. This research defined first the typical components and their deteriorations for both arch and k-frame bridges in order to distinguish them from concrete bridges. Inspection criteria and weights of the bridge components are then defined by interviewing with experts. Another two sets of weights of the bridge components were also determined by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Thus, condition index (CI) of these two kinds of special bridges can be calculated by the same DER&U methodology. Finally, several arch and k-frame bridges were inspected and evaluated using the developed standards for validation. The proposed inspection and evaluation standards for arch and k-frame bridges are expected to be incorporated into the Taiwan Bridge Management System (T-BMS) in the near future.


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[1] Bridge Management in Europe,“Review of current practice for assessment of structural condition”, 1999.
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