  • 學位論文


Research on the Experiences and Demands of Elderly Caregivers

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本文之目的係要探討現代社會中,家有長者的照顧者之照顧經驗,以供相關輔導與決策基礎。孝順長輩自古以來被東方社會視為天經地義的事情,然而在環境變遷下家庭規模變小,傳統觀念可能為照顧者帶來困境。本研究以五名有照顧家中長者突發事故,到往生歷程經驗之中高齡成年人為研究對象,五位性別有男有女,透過質性訪談的方式,訴說他們的照顧心路歷程中的經驗及反思,研究者也覺察訪談背後的脈絡,連結這些照顧經驗至社會結構,探究政府相關照護政策,目標對象使用的覺知情形。 本研究結果發現照顧者的照顧故事包括:1.夫妻和孝道枷鎖,加重照護者身心負荷;2.照顧者存在內外在障礙;長照中心良莠不齊,無法近用資源。3.缺乏醫療知能照顧技巧和心靈成長課程,讓照顧者焦慮遺憾。4.政府政策宣導不足,且執行品質要把關。5.照顧者心情起伏很大,極需扶持。本研究建議:1.醫療機構、戶政機關和社會局資源要整合:(1)、醫療院所和社工單位,提供照顧者完善問題諮詢和協助的資源管道。(2)喘息服務設計可更加周延,讓需求者更方便使用。2.在社會福利政策方面:(1)增設長照場所,並由社區來提供長期照顧服務項目。(2)對於有失能者的家庭提供減稅服務。3.對中高齡教育方面:(1)建議中高齡教育中心,可增加照顧者訓練相關課程(2)成立正式和非正式照顧者的學習資源網。


照顧者 中高齡 困境


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the experiences of the caregivers looking after the elders in their families in the modern society , so as to provide the related counseling and decision-making foundations. Being dutiful to the elders was taken for granted in the ancient eastern society. However, in the results of the shrinking family size due to the environmental changes, traditional concepts are likely to bring the caregivers certain predicaments. This study works on five caregivers, who encountered the accidents happening to their elders and experienced the death of these elderly adults. These figures, male or female, expressed their experiences and introspections while taking care of their elderly family members through the qualitative interviews. The researcher is also aware of the context behind the interviews on the caregivers’ experiences linking to the social structure and thus makes a research on the relevant governmental care policies and the situational awareness of the researched targets. The results of this study indicates that the caregivers’ experiences include: 1. The piety shackles are located on each couple, increasing caregivers’ mental and physical burdens. 2. The caregivers come across internal and external obstacles; uneven long-term caring centers make caregivers not get close to the resources. 3. Lack of medical caring skills and spiritual growth programs causes caregivers’ anxiety and regrets. 4. The government is short of policy advocacy and is demanded to manipulate quality checks. 5. Caregivers’ moods change extremely, so supports from other parties are definitely required. This study suggests that: 1. The resources of the medical institutions, the government agencies and the Department of Social Welfare need integrating all together: (1) Medical institutions and social units provide the efficient ways to help deal with caregivers’ problems and the assisting resource channels. (2) Taking-a-break services are designed more comprehensively, so that the demanders can use them more conveniently. 2. In terms of social welfare policy: (1) The community adds more long-term caring locations and offers long-term caring service projects. (2) Tax abatement is provided to the families with the disabilities. 3. Due to the education provided to the elderly: (1) Elderly education centers are suggested to increase the related courses regarding to caregivers’ training. (2) Establish official and non-official learning networks mainly for caregivers.


Predicaments Caregivers Elders


