  • 學位論文


Establishing Seldom Used Chinese Character Transcoding System for Electronic Medical Records

指導教授 : 張怡秋


目前我國正積極於全國醫療院所實施電子病歷,藉此改善醫療品質及資源使用效能。為達到醫療機構之間的電子病歷互通,衛生福利部於電子病歷製作及管理辦法中提出文件標準與實行準則,以建立符合交換標準規範的病歷電子化平台及服務架構,促進醫療資訊整合。 然而實施電子病歷互通後,在各項醫療表單使用的資料欄位中,出現越來越多無法交換的中文字,造成交換平台上資料缺漏,乃因各醫院醫療系統中文字型編碼區間不統一,且面臨中文罕用字等特殊字時均採用自行造字,未進行標準化,因此經電子病歷平台交換後,出現同一字碼卻有多個中文字,或中文字缺漏之錯誤現象,導致電子病歷資料無法完整呈現、保存供存取使用,不但影響病患個人就醫權益,且各醫院亦無法遵循醫療法、電子病歷製作等相關法令所制定的規範。 本研究「建立跨院中文罕用字型轉碼系統-以電子病歷為例」指在依循衛生福利部電子病歷推動專區所公告,遵循電子病歷臨床文件架構(CDA R2)為標準,參照實作指引標準書中所採用的Web Services及XML技術,整合個案各醫院原有共用醫療資訊系統中文字型編碼區間,開發實作一套中文罕用字型轉碼系統,包含了中文罕用字型自動處理系統(編碼與轉碼)與線上字庫(符合CNS11643)、提供給各醫院人員使用,以達到電子病歷資料完整正確的呈現。


Taiwan is currently undergoing a rapid implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), with the aim to improve quality of care and better utilization of key resources. In order to achieve exchanging the EMR between medical institutions, the Minister of Health and Welfare announced the EMR exchange standards, implementation guidelines to establish the EMR exchange platform and service framework and ultimately help the amalgamation of various EMR. One issue that arises after the implementation of EMR exchange was an increasing number of unchangeable Chinese Character and leaves blanks in the patient records. The reason was the non- standardization coding of Chinese Character among these medical institutions. This issue might lead to incomplete patients records been not accurately recorded and exchanged, and further impact the clinical service quality. Meanwhile, the incomplete patient medical records may not comply the clinical legality of EMR. This research established a Seldom Used Chinese Character Transcoding System (SUCTS) for EMR based on Clinical Document Architecture (CDA R2) which is also the guidelines referenced in the Standard for Web Services and XML promoted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The SUCTS has two subsystems, the automatic transcoding system complies the above mentioned CDA R2 file schema standard and an on-line dictionary conforms to CNS11643. The SUCTS then was provided to hospital staff to enable a successful and complete exchange of EMR.


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