  • 學位論文


The leadership behaviors of an elite soccer coach

指導教授 : 曾沈連魁




The purpose of this study is to explore the leadership behavior of an elite soccer coach. The case of this study is coach Lee who hold Asian Football Confederation C-License (AFC-C) and Chinese Taipei Football Confederation A-License (CTFA-A). Coach Lee has lots of successful leadership experiences for elementary, high school and international matches. This study adopts the case study and base on multi-leadership model to use semi-structured interview, document analysis and participant observation. Data was analyzed by coding, inductive reasoning, comparing. The result showed the leadership behavior of Lee includes the concepts of training and teaching behavior, democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, caring behavior and encourage behavior etc. The training and teaching behavior includes the concepts of guidelines, training methods, individual teaching; The democratic behavior includes the concepts of communication platform, reflective thinking and attitude of fair. The autocratic behavior includes the concepts team management, life management, training request. The caring behavior includes the concepts of life care, counseling, tutoring, career guidance. The encourage behavior includes the concept of mental encouragement and material reward. In addition, The factors which will influence Lee’s leader behavior include the concepts of personal , player, school, parents and society. As for the level differences of an elite soccer coach includes the importance of leadership behavior of elementary, junior high and senior high school coach. The results of the study found that leadership behavior of an elite soccer coach rely mainly on autocratic behavior while training and teaching behavior subsidiary in elementary school: rely mainly on democratic behavior while encourage behavior subsidiary in senior high school and rely mainly on democratic behavior while caring behavior. Making warming-up be more fun, aiming the goal on every time training and encouraging player in the training.


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