  • 學位論文


A Case Study of School Leadership Dynamics: The Analysis of Secondary school Principal Leading Teaching Innovation

指導教授 : 林明地


學校領導動力之個案研究:國民中學校長帶領學校教學創新之分析 戴弘鈞 國立中正大學教育學研究所 論文摘要 本研究目的在於探究一所國民中學校長帶領學校團隊教學創新過程中學校領導動力的分析,藉由訪談法透過校長、三位兼任教職的主任、兩位級任導師的訪談,進而瞭解學校領導動力在創新過程當中,校長、教師、社群的互動情形。首先,研究者對學校領導動力之相關理論和教學創新的理念與內涵進行文獻探討,藉以建構本研究之先前的理解。接著針對個案研究,運用主題分析分析法,分析個案學校領導動力的現況,以及在校長推動教學創新過程中學校領導動力的互動情形。研究者提出四點研究結論如下:一、個案學校領導動力偏向行政垂直型,並漸朝向動態整合型發展;二、校長領導激勵教師內在動機,進而引起教師實踐與社群發展;三、教師自我省思教學創新之作為,通過重塑學校社群,回應校長創新之領導作為;四、學校領導社群匯集教師自我管理與校長轉型領導之動能,漸進落實教學創新。最後,研究者根據研究結論提出研究建議,作為後續研究和以學校領導動力角度整合教育行政之參考 關鍵詞:學校領導動力、校長轉型領導、教師自我管理、學校領導社群


A Case Study of School Leadership Dynamics: The Analysis of Secondary school Principal Leading Teaching Innovation Hung-Chun Tai Graduate Institute of Education, National Chung Cheng University Abstract The study aimed to explore the dynamics of school leadership of a principal which showed in the process of leading a teaching innovation in a public junior high school. By interviews with the principal, three department directors and two grade teachers, the study tried to analyze the dynamics of school leadership in interactions between the principal, teachers and the community. First, the author made a literature review of the relevant theories and research about dynamics of school leadership and the concept and connotation of teaching innovation. In order to constructing a previous understanding of this study. Then, as to this specific case study, thematic analysis method was adopted to analyze its current situation of dynamics of school leadership, as well as the interactions of the leadership in the process of promoting the teaching innovation. The major findings for the study can be summarized as follows: 1) the dynamics of the school leadership inclines to be the vertical administrative type, and gradually turning towmd the dynamic integrated style; 2) the principal’s leadership inspires teachers’ intrinsic dynamics, thereby causing changes in teachers’ practice and community development; 3) teachers make self-reflections about teaching innovation, and response to the leadership of the innovation by reshaping the community; 4) the leadership of the school community formed by teachers’ self-management and combined energy of principal’s transformational leadership, progressively implementing teaching innovation. Based on the conclusions drawn, the author make some suggestions for the follow-up research and propose integration of educational administration with school leadership. Key words: dynamics of school leadership; community of leadership; principals’ transformational leadership; teachers’ self-management.


徐超聖、梁雲霞(2011)。教師領導的理論分析與省思。中等教育,62(2),20 -35。
