  • 學位論文


A Study on the Amusing PE of the Teacher Professional Learning Community

指導教授 : 王雅玄


本研究以精進國小「體育好好玩」教師專業學習社群」為例,探討教師專業 學習社群之運作,及其教師的專業成長與學生表現。最後根據研究發現以提供學校、教師及未來相關研究建議。 本研究採質性研究立意取樣之個案研究方式,透過訪談該社群成員共八位 級任導師、參與觀察社群的運作情形蒐集相關文件,以及加入研究者觀察紀錄、省思札記進行資料蒐集分析。本研究結論歸納如下: 一、在教師專業學習社群運作方面 (一)社群多元運作模式提升教師專業成長,並以學生學習為首要,而同儕省思 及專業對話為精進國小教師專業學習社群專業成長的核心模式。 (二)教師專業學習社群運用多種策略方法,克服逆境及提升社群經營效能, 五個突破社群困境的方法如下: 1.公開討論困境,尋求因應之道 2.協同教學 解決教學技能不足的問題 3.整合課程 4.自籌經費補貼 5.正向思考、正向看 困境、突破困境。 (三)成員對社群的認同度高,有助教師專業成長。 二、促進教師專業成長方面 教師覺知自己在童玩遊戲及民俗體育方面的學科知能、教學技能、班級經營、 以及其他相關教育新思維有所成長。 三、學生表現方面 學生喜愛童玩遊戲,樂在玩童玩遊戲 ,下課減少在中廊奔跑追逐的危險性。在認知方面,學生擴增了竹蟬、跳格子、搶甕、過五關等童玩遊戲及流星球、跳繩、扯鈴、打陀螺等民俗體育方面的知識,也了解其遊戲和運動規則; 在情意方面,進行童玩遊戲及民俗體育活動時是愉快的、身心放鬆的、期待上童玩遊戲及民俗體育課;在技能方面,學到童玩遊戲及民俗體育的運動技能,並增進運動能力。


The Elementary School of Jing Jin has been taken as an example to explore the development of professional learning community and its teacher professional development andthe learning presentation of students. According to the findings of the research, there are some suggestions for schools, teachers and further studies. This research was a case study and data was collected by interviewing eight homeroom teachers, observing the works of the community ,and analyzing documents and adding researcher’s reflection notes. The findings of the study were as following: I. The works of the teacher professional learning community 1. Multiple ways functioned in the community elevated teacher professional learning and students’ learning was the most valued concern. Professional dialogues, discussions and reflections was the core model. 2. Professional learning community used various strategies to solve difficulties and elevate effficiency. The strategies as following: (1)The members of community discussed and got the best ways to solve the problems. (2)The team teaching solved the problem of PE skill teaching. (3)integrate curriculum (4) try to find the funds (5)consideration with open mind to break through the diffculties. 3. High identification to the community, it helpeld the teacher professional learning. II. The promotion of the teacher professional learning The teachers perceived the elevation of subject knowledge、teaching skill、class management and new thought of education in childen games and folk sports. III. The presentations of students The students loved the childen games, played games happily, the students didn’t play in the hallway again, and won’t expose in the dangerous area while they played with the childen games. In the cognition: The students increased the knowledge of childen Games and folk sports, also comprehended their’s rules. In the affection:The childen are joyful and relaxing while they played with childen games and folk sports, and expected to play again next time. In the skill: The students learned the athletic skills and promoted the ability of athletics.


