  • 學位論文


The humic substances and its binding metal characteristics affecting by different ages

指導教授 : 陳庭堅


土壤的組成相當複雜,其中有機質為最重要的成分之一。其功用包括增加土壤團粒構造,進而提高土壤保水力及改良土壤通氣性,並供給土壤微生物生長所需能量性,可使有機質迅速分解也可而提升土壤肥力。本研究針對阿里山山區不同年代崩塌地土壤,分別為1963、1974、1989、2004及2009年代。氣乾土壤利用NaOH萃取土壤腐植質,再利用物理方式分離不同分子量的腐植物質,並利用紫外光/可見光與螢光光譜指標探討腐植質特性。另外分析各分子量HS溶液金屬的濃度以及探討金屬分佈以及金屬含量差異。在自然風化作用下,鐵和鋁是研究結果顯示,隨著崩塌時間增加土壤pH值則會隨之降低。土壤腐植質中金屬濃度皆隨著崩塌地時間的增加而增加,且金屬主要以B分子量(100 kDa - 0.14μm )佔最大比例。金屬分配係數結果顯示Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn、Mn皆會崩塌時間增加而提高金屬與膠體結合能力。螢光圖譜顯示隨著崩塌時間的增長,波峰往長波長區域移動且腐質化程度升高。


Soil composition is complex. Organic matter (OM) is one of the most important soil components, in which humic substance (HS) accounts for the largest proportion. Soil HSs affect the soil aggregate structure, improve water retention capacity and aeration. In addition, soil OM supplies energy for microbial growth and accelerates the OM decomposition, enhancing soil fertility.This study investigated characteristics of soil humus sampled from landslide soil in different weathering years in southern Taiwan. Weathering study years were 1963, 1974, 1989, 2004, and 2009. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solvent was used to extract HS from an Alishan, Taiwan landslide soil. The extracted HS was size-fractioned, with physical methods, into five molecular weight HS solutions including size A (0.14 μm - 0.45 μm), size B (100 kDa - 0.14 μm), size C (10 - 100 kDa), size D (1 - 10 kDa), and size E (< 1 kDa). The sized HS properties were examined with UV/Vis and fluorescence indices. In addition, the sized HS solutions measured metal concentrations to assess metal differences in different weathering years and metal distribution differences between colloidal and truly dissolved phases.The results showed that the soil pH value decreased following a weathering year. Because high humification soil OM is rich in acidic functional groups, it can be released into the soil. Metal content in the HS is increased following weathering years. The size B HS solution (100 kDa - 0.14 μm) accounted for the largest proportion of metal content. The metal distribution coefficient (Kd) of five metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and Mn) increased as weathering time increased. Fluorescence peaks moved to a long wavelength region following a weathering year.


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