  • 學位論文


The post-Morakot growth of disaster volunteers: A study on Tzu Chi volunteers in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 張麗珠


本研究的目的將災後成長概念經由量表使之具體化,並透過測量結果,進一步討論影響志工災後成長的因素及其關聯,以找出此特定研究對象對於災後成長的保護因子,做為協助災後重建時的參考因素,及社區對於災害有效復原條件及方法,藉此提升研究結果價值。 研究者所採取的研究方法是以量化為主,質性為輔,利用焦點團體後的結果討論,以作為量化所使用之問卷題項擬定的參考與修正的基礎,故形成質性研究方法中的焦點團體為先,量化研究在後的順序。本研究共計進行二場焦點團體,參與人數共25名;問卷總計發出問卷270份,回收有效樣本253份(93.7%)。本研究的假設有三:1.研究參與者「授證年資」越深災後成長越低;2.研究參與者「年齡」越大災後成長越低;3.研究參與者「教育程度」越高災後成長越低。 研究運用不同的檢驗方式來進行變項與變項間的各項測量,資料經過分析後所呈現的結果,未達顯著者居多、達顯著者相對較少,意即災害所帶來的影響與成長,對於研究參與者而言有相當的穩定度與一致性,原因可能是因為樣本背景的特殊性,而且是在相同組織內服務,具有共同的服務目標,相同信仰與相同的精神領袖,在同一的管理系統下運作,降低形式上差異後,影響災後成長的因素就較能被聚焦於個人因素。研究者試圖以現有的研究資料,從中檢視結果之後,發現額外呈現出較多與主題相關聯的問題,故輔以個人長期參與觀察的經驗,去探究其意義與原因。 研究者更利用標準迴歸分析法,求得「授證年資」、「教育程度」、「年齡」三個自變項對依變項間的預測結果,在「助人意願」與「心理培力」二項目上均具有預測力,且「授證年資」、「教育程度」的標準迴歸係數β值均為正,「年齡」的標準迴歸係數β值均為負數,此結果提出二個解釋,一是授證年資越深、教育程度越高、年齡越低者其「助人意願」受災害影響的程度較大,「心理培力」的需求也越高;再者是授證年資越淺、教育程度低、年齡越高者其「助人意願」受災害影響的程度則相對較小,「心理培力」的需求則越低。 最後,根據研究結果提出以下建議:1.建議個人透過利他行為激發個人正向心理,建構有效的資源網絡;2.建議組織集結善的力量,借力使力,追求永續;3.針對助人意願與心理培力二個項目,提出具體的建議以作為未來研究的重要議題考量。


The purpose of this study makes growing post-disaster concept specific via forms, and through the measurement results, further discusses the influencing factors of volunteers growth after a disaster and its association, to find out the specific research object for the protection of post-disaster growth factor, as the reference factors to help the post-disaster reconstruction, and community for disaster recovery conditions and methods, thereby to promote the value of the results of the study . The method which researchers taken was mainly on quantitative research, qualitative is complementary, and used the results of focus group discussion as the basis of reference and correction according to a quantitative questionnaire item, so formed the order of the quantitative research after qualitative research methods focus groups. This study has two focus groups, including 25 participants; a total of 270 questionnaires were sent, recycling 253 valid samples (93.7%). The hypothesis of this study has three:1. The deeper of the participants " chartered seniority " the lower of growth after a disaster; 2. The elder the participants " Age " the lower growth after a disaster; 3. The higher of study participants " education level ", the lower growth after a disaster. Research were using different test methods for measurements between variables. The results after analysis showed that the number was majority in less than significant rather than relatively few persons of significant, which means the effects and growth of disasters have a considerable degree of stability and consistency for participants, and it may be because of the particularity of sample background, and it is within the same organization with the same service goals, same faith and spiritual leader under the same management system operation, after reducing the differences in form, the factors that influence the growth of the disaster can be mostly focused on personal factors. According to the results of the existing research materials, the researchers tried to additionally present many problems associated with the topic, in order to explore its meaning and reason which supplemented by personal experience long-term participant observation. The researchers were using standard regression analysis to find the prediction results between the three independent variables of " chartered seniority ", " education level ", " Age " and the dependent variable, and have predictive power on the " serving others " and " Psychological Empowerment " two items, β values of standardized regression coefficients of " chartered Seniority ", " education level " are positive, β values of standardized regression coefficients of " Age " are negative. The result puts forward to two explanations: on one hand, the deeper of chartered seniority, the higher level of education, the younger of age, the greater the degree of " serving others " affected by disasters, and the higher demand of " Psychological Empowerment " ; on the other hand, more shallow the chartered seniority, the lower level of education, the older of age, the smaller of degree of " serving others " affected by disasters, and the smaller demand of " Psychological Empowerment ". Finally, according to the results of the study , we put forward the following advices: 1.Stimulate personal positive psychological effect through altruistic behavior, and construct an effective network of resources; 2. Gather force for good, leveraging the power, pursue sustainable; 3. According to two projects of " serving others " and " Psychological Empowerment " make specific recommendations as an important issue to consider for future research.


8.行政院 (2011)。行政院莫拉克颱風災後重建推動委員會。2016年5月23日,取自: http://88flood.www.gov.tw/
