  • 學位論文


A Study on the Military's Image and Perceived Value toward the Willingness and Influence to Join the Army- Case of Senior High and Vocational School Students in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 段兆麟


國軍人才招募是達成「全募兵制」目標的重要工作,為迎接劃時代兵役制度的革新,前瞻國軍未來在人力結構需求,及「全募兵制」案推動期程,掌握高中職生從軍意願是完成國防組織革新的重要關鍵因素。 本研究旨在探討高雄市高中職學生在國軍形象與認知價值上對從軍意願之影響。研究對象以高雄市高級中等學校(含軍事學校)學生為主,針對高雄市40所高級中等學校進行抽樣調查,共計回收470份有效問卷,並利用SPSS 20.0統計套裝軟體進行量化分析檢定。從相關分析、徑路分析結果可知,各構面間正面影響皆達顯著水準,惟「國軍形象」對從軍意願的直接效果低於「認知價值」對從軍意願的直接效果,表示僅靠「國軍形象」提升高中職學生從軍意願是不夠的,關鍵是仍需經由「認知價值」的改變,才能大幅提升高中職學生的從軍意願;另從單因子變異數分析結果可知,人口背景變項對國軍形象、認知價值與從軍意願差異,部分達顯著水準。本研究所得結論的管理意涵如下: 一、強化正面有效的宣傳活動。 二、改變認知價值是決定高中職學生從軍意願的關鍵。 依據樣本分析結果與結論,針對國軍人才招募政策、國軍形象塑造、改變學生認知價值等面向,本研究提出下列幾項建議,作為往後政策規劃之參考。 一、國軍應調整現行人才招募政策。 (一)擬定以需求為導向的招募策略。 (二)掌握募兵成效的關鍵因素。 (三)創新人才招募的方式。 二、國軍形象須全面翻新。 (一)包裝國軍正面形象。 (二)形象打造手法要敲進主要族群的心。 (三)結合潮流包裝國軍形象。 三、改變學生認知價值是翻轉招募率偏低的成功關鍵。 (一)確立改變認知價值的主要對象。 (二)改變認知價值的核心觀念。 (三)改變認知價值的具體方式。 (四)建立民眾對軍人的正面評價。


Military talent recruitment is an important task to achieve "full mercenary" target, to meet interesting landmark military service system, forward Guojun next push of the process in terms of human structural requirements, and "all-volunteer force 'case, master senior high school students to join the army wishes to complete defense organizations important key factor in innovation. This study was to investigate the effect of high school and vocational school students in Kaohsiung on the military's image and perceived value to the wishes of the army. Kaohsiung City to study upper secondary schools (including military schools) were students, a sample survey of 40 senior secondary schools in Kaohsiung, a total of 470 valid questionnaires were recovered, and the use of SPSS 20.0 statistical software package for quantitative analysis test. From the correlation analysis, pathway analysis results, among all facets of significant positive impact on the standard, but "military image" direct effect on the will of the army less than "perceived value" direct effect on the willingness of the army, represented only by " the image of the military "to enhance the level of high school students join the army will is not enough, the key is to change still needs via" perceived value "in order to significantly enhance the level of high school students' willingness to join the army; the other can be seen from the results of one-way analysis of variance, demographic background variables the image of the military, the army perceived value and willingness difference, significant part of the standard. The Institute was following the conclusion of management implications: 1、Strengthen effective campaign positive. 2、The key determinants of senior high school students to join the army wishes to change the perceived value. Results and conclusions based on sample analysis, recruitment for military personnel policy, military's image-building, and other value-oriented change students' perception, this study makes the following several recommendations as policy planning of future reference. 1、Military policy should be adjusted to the existing Recruiting. (1)Develop demand-driven recruitment strategy. (2)Master key factors recruiting effectiveness. (3)Innovative Recruitment way. 2、Military's image to be completely refurbished. (1)Jun positive image of the country Packaging. (2)Create the image the way you want to knock into the heart of the main ethnic groups. (3)With the trend of packaging Guojun image. 3、Change students' perceived value is key to the success of the low rate of recruitment flip. (1)Establish perceived value change of the main object. (2)Changing the perceived value of the core idea. (3)Specific ways to change the perceived value. (4)Establish people's positive assessment of the military.


