  • 學位論文


Study on Feasible of Composting Treatment for Campus Weeds

指導教授 : 余伍洲


由於屏東科技大學的校園面積廣大,所產生之雜草為校園的廢棄物,且其體積和重量相當龐大,故為目前之廢棄物處理問題之一。而目前雜草主要以機械和人工方式清除,且清除後較少有相關的再利用方式。本研究主要以雜草混合不同比例副資材進行好氧堆肥化實驗,並作雜草與米糠及腐熟堆肥不同比例醱酵成分物理、化學及生物分析結果比較。 在溫度、含水率、pH 、C/N比及發芽率的變化結果顯示,堆肥C(50%:20%:30%)於50℃以上高溫持續10天為最久,並可藉以有效除去雜草種子及致病菌。含水率除空白堆肥和堆肥B為56.6%和63.3%,其餘皆為40.0%以下。而各堆肥pH值皆為8.0以下。在化學分析部分,除空白堆肥(100%:0%:0%)、堆肥B(50%:0%:50%)及E(50%:30%:20%)之C/N比為33.7、43.1及29.6外,其餘堆肥A(50%:50%:0%)、C(50%:20%:30%)及D(50%:25%:25%)之C/N比介於13.2~19.1,並達到文獻堆肥腐熟界定範圍。種子發芽率測試結果顯示,除空白堆肥和堆肥B之發芽率為78%未達腐熟標準外,其餘各堆肥之成品發芽率皆達到95%,已符合文獻建議應大於90%之腐熟標準。本研究結果顯示,堆肥C(50%:20%:30%)於堆肥化過程中已達腐熟,且與各堆肥相較下,腐熟速度為最快,如以雜草做快速堆肥化,推薦以此比例進行堆肥化處理。校園雜草堆肥化處理,不但可以改善校園環境清潔,及生活品質外,將其施入土壤中,供給植物生長之養分,故是一項可行之處理方式。


雜草 堆肥 C/N比 腐熟 發芽率


The Pingtung University of Science and Technology campus area are generally produces weed as the campus reject. For its volume and the weight are quite huge, it becomes one of the present reject processing problems. However, the weed mainly eliminated by the machinery and the artificial way, and the less relevant of the re-use patterns after remove. This research mainly carries on the oxygen compost experiment by the weed mix with of different proportion vice-materials and equipment. More than that, it is going to compare and analysis the result with rice and well-rotted compost of different proportion of fermentation in physics, chemistry and the biological analysis. In the variation of temperature, moisture content, pH, C/N and germination ratio, showed that the regulation above 50℃ high temperature with compost C(50%:20%:30%)for 10 days long, may effectively remove the weed seed and the pathogenic bacteria. The moisture content tries shows that the exception of the blank and B is 56.6% and 63.3%, the rest are all below 40.0%, but the regulation pH value is below respectively 8.0. In the chemical analysis part, besides the blank(100%:0%:0%), compost B(50%:0%:50%)and E(50%:30%:20%)C/N of ratio the regulation is 33.7, 43.1 and 29.6, other compost A(50%:50%:0%), C(50%:20%:30%)and D(50%:25%:25%) is situated between 13.2~19.1, with achieves the literature compost well-rotted compost limits scope. The result of seed-germination percentage test showed that tries germination percentage of the regulation besides the blank and B is 78% with has not reached the well-rotted compost standard, other tries compost of end product germination percentage the regulation to achieve 95% respectively, has conformed to the literature to suggest that should be bigger than 90% well-rotted compost standard. The study has shown that, compost C(50%:20%:30%) range in the composting process has reached maturity. Comparing with the test process, the decomposition speed of the fastest, such as the weeds do a quick compost is recommended as the proportion of composting. Campus weed compost processing, not only may improve the campus environment to be clean, and the life quality, executes into it in the soil, supplies nutrient of the plant growth, therefore it is a feasible processing methods.


Weeds Compost C/N Maturity Germinate ratio


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