  • 學位論文


Discussion of post-disaster reconstruction and community resilience- examples from non-government organizations that participated in Morakot typhoon community reconstruction projects

指導教授 : 趙善如


災難事件的本質因被控制性低,且威脅性高,帶給社區居民的衝擊影響是全面性的,如何降低損傷,關建在將焦點擺在社區居民如何正向因應進行社區重建或是展現自己本身的復原力。而民間團體是重建重要的工作夥伴及資源,透過公私協力的合作,強化社區復原力進行重建是重要且值得探討的議題。所以,本研究在公私互動關係下從復原力觀點出發,以「屏東縣八八水災-民間團體參與社區重建計畫」為中心,探究重建計畫的工作模式與公私互動關係型態和影響要素及社區復原力的重要因子,以提供公私部門後續投入社區重建工作之建議。 本研究採用內容分析法及深入個別訪談法進行資料收集,瞭解計畫內涵,運用的資源及重建助、阻力等因素。以最佳的公私協力夥伴關係為架構,找尋優質的公私互動要素,且在建立有「復原力的整體社區」概念下探究強化社區復原力正向保護因子的動態要素,增加社區能量協助社區復原的開展。 研究結果發現屏東縣在莫拉克颱風的肆虐下,因地理位置及產業、文化等不同生活區位而形成三種不同的災難型態,有農村聚落的農田流失、有原鄉部落的家園流失及沿海村落的養殖與果園流失。並發現社區營造,社區照顧,社區安全,社區觀光四種重建工作模式,而不同的災難型態特性其復原路徑及工作模式會有所不同。此外,也發現培力是促進公私互動關係優質化的關鍵;在關係運作下,進一步發現社區復原力的展現會從驅動到加成至持續,所包覆的復原因子在過程中形成「社區復原力展現要素動態關係模型」。 所以,社區的復原裝備應建置儲備、演練並累積能量,而重要的復原歷程因子如鼓勵發展社區願景、形成社區工作團隊並適切分工、方案操作訓練社區能力…等,除了要持續維護外更需加以開創,才能迎接挑戰;而民間團體除對投入社區工作的前置準備要評估檢視外,更需預置社區服務能量,並要清楚不同災難型態的社區工作方法;公部門要從認知改變來選擇社區培力工作,要瞭解社區特性、培力人才及社區,並以走動式接觸讓培力角色發揮。


Disasters are characterized by low controllability and high threat, and also always cause enormous and pervasive damages upon residents’ habitation, livelihood, and psychological well-being. Thus post-disaster reconstruction work must be multifaceted. During reconstruction, non-government organizations are regarded as vital partners, resources, and source of resilience. Therefore, it is important to discuss how to enhance collaboration between NGOs and GOs. The present study aims to investigate interaction between NGOs and GOs in “Pingtung County Government Community Reconstruction Project of 88 Flood Disaster”. We discuss a few important dimensions such as the working model of reconstruction, types and the determinants of interaction between NGOs and GOs, as well as the resilient factors dwelling in the community. Finally, implications for community reconstruction will be proposed. To generate a comprehensive understanding of research topic, mixed research method that combined content analysis and in-depth interview was used. We intended to sort out favorable factors within the framework of collaborative model and partnership between NGOs and GOs. Bearing the premise of building a resilient community, we tried to explored positive factors that can enhance community resilience to empower community to start up reconstruction. Damages or loss caused by Morakot typhoon can be classified into three types according to geographical location, industries, and culture. Specifically speaking, residents may suffer from loss of farmland in rural area, loss of homeland in aboriginal area, as well as loss of fish rearing ponds and orchard in coastal area. Four reconstruction models are found, such as community rebuilding, community care, community security, and community tourism. The course of reconstruction and working model depend on the type of damage as well as location. We further find “Manifestation of Community Resilience Dynamic Model” that goes from activation, amplification to maintenance in the interaction between NGOs and GOs. To cope with different types of damage, communities need various equipments to reserve and accumulate sufficient energy. Community reconstruction should be focused on resilient factors such as creating community vision, building team work, and strengthening the ability of operating programs and so on. Community resilience should not only be preserved but also be developed. NGOs have to assess preoperational works before engaging in community work. More importantly, energy should be reserved so that every part can fully function as disasters happen. GOs are required to fully understand community, to train local workers, to contact directly with community. Besides, GOs should act as an enabler and adopt community empowerment approach and walking around contact method.




