  • 學位論文


Formaldehyde Concentrations in Different Indoor Environment of a College

指導教授 : 謝連德


為改善及維護室內空氣品質,維護國民健康及生活環境,行政院環保署於2005年12月30日公布室內空氣品質建議值,其中,學校及教育場所被規類於第1類 (指對室內空氣品質有特別需求場所)。而甲醛為室內常見空氣污染物之一,具有刺鼻氣味,長期接觸低劑量甲醛,會引起慢性呼吸道疾病,有鑑於此,為了解校園中室內空氣的品質。本研究以南台灣某科技大學校園內不同類型室內作為調查對象,研究選定16個室內環境,針對室內不同的使用方式分為5大類,分別為:1.教學區(工學院會議室兼研究生討論室、小型博班討論室、大型(班)階梯教室、小型研究室、普化教學實驗室、環工系實驗室,共計6個) 2.生活區(校內男宿-實齋109室、校內女宿-誠齋205室、校外宿舍-樓中樓、校外宿舍-農舍改建、一般民宅,共計5個) 3.作業場所(木材加工場、軍訓室茶水間、動物醫院,共計3個) 4.環工系2樓男廁,5.木設系室內展覽場。以攜帶型直讀儀器進行室內甲醛及氣象條件偵測儀等做48小時連續監測。實驗結果顯示,校園內16個室內環境,5種不同類型室內的甲醛平均濃度,1. 教學區:以工學院會議室兼研究生討論室為最高,其平均濃度值為0.099±0.012 ppm;2. 生活區:以校外宿舍-農舍改建為最高,其平均濃度值為0.036±0.023 ppm;3.作業場所:以軍訓室茶水間為最高,其平均濃度值為0.030±0.015 ppm;4.廁所:平均濃度值為0.011±0.004 ppm;5.室內展覽場:平均濃度值為0.071±0.014 ppm。


To improve and maintain indoor air quality to safeguard public health and the living environment, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan promulgated the “Recommended Indoor Air Quality Value” on December 30, 2005. In this document, schools and education locations are classified as Type 1 (locations with special requirements of indoor air quality). Formaldehyde is a sharp-smelling common indoor air pollutant. Long-term exposure to even low doses of formaldehyde cause chronic respiratory tract diseases. Therefore, for this study, we surveyed various types of indoor locations at the campus of a certain technical college in southern Taiwan to understand the indoor air quality on campus. Portable direct-readout instruments were used to conduct 48-h continuous surveys of the indoor formaldehyde and weather conditions. The experiment results include the average formaldehyde concentrations in 16 indoor environments on campus, comprising the following five types of indoor locations:(1) Six teaching areas: A conference and graduate student discussion room in the college of engineering, a small-scale doctoral student discussion room, a large lecture theater with internal mobile staircase, small research room, a general chemistry teaching laboratory, and a laboratory for the Environmental Engineering Department. The value was the highest for the meeting and graduate student discussion room in the college of engineering, with an average concentration level of 0.099 ± 0.012 ppm. (2)Five living areas: Room 109 of the Shi Residence in the schools’ male dormitory, room 205 of the Cheng Residence in the school’s female dormitory, external dormitories of duplexes, renovated farmhouses, and general public housing. The value was the highest for the renovated farmhouse external dormitory, with an average concentration of 0.036 ± 0.023 ppm. (3)Three operational locations: A wood processing plant, a rest area of the military training office, and an animal hospital. The highest value occurred at the rest area of the military training office, with an average concentration of 0.030 ± 0.015 ppm. (4)The male toilet on the second floor of the department of engineering has an average concentration value of 0.011 ± 0.004 ppm. (5)The indoor exhibition area of the department of wooden design has an average concentration of 0.071 ± 0.014 ppm. These results indicate that the indoor concentrations of formaldehyde all comply with the recommended formaldehyde level specified in the indoor air quality value guideless published by the EPA, Executive Yuan.


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