  • 學位論文


The Impact of Brand Trust, Teaching Quality, Student Pressure and Learning Effectiveness on Digital Tutoring Class

指導教授 : 吳有龍
共同指導教授 : 宋師夫(Shih-Fu Sung)


近年來國內補教業因國民教育不斷的改革,學生面臨龐大的升學壓力,且同業如雨後春筍般的日劇增加,也讓學生擁有可以更多的選擇方式,致使補教業的經營壓力遽增,紛紛進而轉向數位線上數位教學。目前全球面臨新冠狀病毒的肆虐下,傳統到校實體上課的模式被數位教學給取代了,原本在台灣一直不被大眾接受的數位課程,儼然變成學生唯一的學習方式,亦希望透過此次機會讓國人更清楚數位教學的優缺點,因此,該如何在這競爭激烈的環境下能為持續去,是目前補教業經營者該去思考的議題。 本研究分析得知國中生的年齡及年級對數位線上補教業之品牌信任、教學品質、學生壓力及學習成效四構面未達顯著之關係,惟經Pearson相關分析品牌信任、教學品質、學生壓力及學習成效四者有相互之關聯性,就研究對象而言,以回歸分析得知教學品質、學生壓力及學習成效對數位線上補教業經營品牌信任有顯著影響關係。


In recent years, due to the continuous reform of national education in the domestic supplementary education industry, students are facing huge pressure to enter higher education, and the supplementary education industry has sprung up day by day, which also gives students more choices, resulting in a sharp increase in the operating pressure of the supplementary education industry. One after another turned to digital online teaching. At present, the world is facing the ravages of the new coronavirus. The traditional model of actual classes at school has been replaced by digital teaching. Therefore, the digital courses that have not been accepted by the public in Taiwan have become the only way for students to learn. I hope that through this opportunity, everyone will be more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the digital teaching. Therefore, how to survive in this fiercely competitive environment is a topic for current supplementary education operators to think about. The analysis of this research shows that the age and grade of middle school students do not have a significant relationship with the four dimensions of digital online supplementary education, such as brand trust, teaching quality, student pressure, and learning effectiveness. However, through "Pearson" analysis of brand trust, teaching quality, student pressure and learning effectiveness, the four factors are interrelated. As far as the research object is concerned, it is found through regression analysis that teaching quality, student pressure and learning effectiveness have a significant influence on the brand trust of the digital online supplementary education industry.


