  • 學位論文


The application of polysaccharide excipient on the production of lactic acid bacteria powder

指導教授 : 陳齊聖


研究顯示益生菌有益人體健康與疾病防治,乳製品中常以牛乳為基質培養乳酸菌等益生菌種。本研究以豆乳做為培養基,加入鳳梨酵素輔助蛋白質之分解,以促進乳酸菌生長。本研究的實驗菌株有:Lactobacillus acidophilusu(以下簡稱A菌)、Bifidobacterium bifidum(以下簡稱B菌)、Bacillus coagulans(以下簡稱BC菌)等三株乳酸菌。本實驗使用聚醣類搭配豆乳發酵液,在乾燥製程中,針對賦形劑配方,以微量添加聚醣類的方式,對乳酸菌的活性以及菌數生長進行研究。並探討乾燥製程中添加聚醣類賦形劑配方,對LAB菌體活性之影響。 實驗結果顯示使用豆乳培養乳酸菌,並配合聚醣類進行乾燥,菌粉的最佳乾燥含水率為9%。較低的含水率除可減少因微生物、酵素及各成分間進行化學變化所導致之品質劣變外,由於體積減少,可降低食品之貯存及運輸成本。在聚醣類賦形劑配方改善研究方面,添加聚醣類確實可以幫助乳酸菌在乾燥的製程中有效的減少菌體的死亡,尤其以BC菌效果最為明顯。雖然本研究對於BC菌已經有良好的實驗成果,但是A菌以及B菌仍有進步的空間,未來還有許多方向可以改進,並應用到大量乳酸菌發酵製程上。


This research studies the application of polysaccharides as an added component in the formulation of excipient for the production of viable lactic acid bacteria (LAB) powder. Two systems of soy and milk as the fermentation media were investigated. The effect of polysaccharides on the viability of LAB and drying rate were compared. Experimental results showed that viability was highest at water content of 9% for the three tested strains (Lactobacillus acidophilus、Bifidobacterium bifidum、Bacillus coagulans). The addition of polysaccharides helped maintaining high viability during the process of drying at 35℃. The effect of polysaccharides was most profound in case of B. coagulans. Chitosan, alginate, carrageenan, dietary fiber and dextrin were tested and compared. Dextrin tends to hold water stronger than other polysaccharides and retard the drying rate. Chitosan, at a dosage of lower than 2%, increased the drying rate, while retaining high cell viability. However, inhibitory effect was observed at higher dosages. This research demonstrated the beneficiary effect of polysaccharides as an additive of the excipient in the production of LAB powder.


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